Updating UCs about adding/dropping a class?

<p>Hello everyone</p>

<p>So I'm thinking about dropping a class and adding another one instead at my CC.
Does anyone know if I have to report it to the UCs?
And if so, do I have to contact each UC individually about the schedule change
or can I just use the UC application update form?</p>

<p>P.S. I called the UC application hotline and the lady said I can either call or e-mail OR use the application update form.. not exacly the ONE clear answer I was hoping for and I really don't want to bombard all the UC portals.</p>

<p>Anybody else have any ideas/experiences/suggestion/help? lol</p>

<p>you can either call or e-mail OR use the application update form</p>

<p>Well jeeeeeeeez
I was hoping someone who is or has going through the situation could give me a more insightful answer… lol</p>

<p>The reason I ask is because I’ve emailed the UCs before and it takes at least a week or more to respond and I was hoping I wouldn’t have to call each campus individually.
Oh well</p>

<p>dun ever email them, go with mail.</p>

<p>i’ve had a few schedule changes before, i always just email them even though it takes them forever to respond</p>

<p>For UC Davis you only need to submit the Application Update form again. No additional email, letter or call is needed.</p>

<p>Okay thanks guys!
I’ll be sure to submit the App update form again for Davis.
I guess I’ll try emailing for the other campuses and just wait for a response.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if I have to report the changes ASAP or if there’s some sort of consequence for not doing so?
I dropped and added a new class but I’m waiting on another class that’s full (I’m hoping someone will drop so I can add)</p>

<p>^ I’m in the same boat as you</p>

<p>They would like to know ASAP. If you know your schedule already, there’s absolutely no reason to postpone the notification process.</p>

<p>At UCLA you e-mail them at <a href=“mailto:datachng@saonet.ucla.edu”>datachng@saonet.ucla.edu</a>.</p>

<p>UCB you can fax or snail mail them.</p>


<p>Course/Grade Change Request
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
University of California
110 Sproul Hall #5800
Berkeley, California 94720-5800
Fax: 510-642-7333</p>

<p>But keep in mind that if you e-mail <a href="mailto:ucinfo@ucapplication.net">ucinfo@ucapplication.net</a> they will forward the updates to the campus(es) you applied to.</p>

<p>Does changing your schedule right now jeopardize your chances of admission for Berkeley?</p>