UPenn Class of 2027 Official Thread

Never got any emails.

not even from the financial aid department?

I got both. Perhaps they were both sent to all FA applicants.

Yea. I did too. They were sent to everyone. Proof:


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did you apply to aid?

yes but some people who applied to fin aid didnt get it

I got two emails regarding FA. Went to the portal to check and it directed me to a different site and asked me to enter username and password. Of course I didn’t have the thing so I contacted FA. Next day they replied saying there was mistake and it was fixed. The email was from one stop counselor at UPenn.

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I go to a very underfunded rural high school. We usually have no students going into Ivy League schools, maybe 1 going to a T20 if we’re lucky.

I got accepted to Penn this year along with another girl in my class. Another friend got into Cornell early. We all thought there would be no chance because nobody from our school has gone to colleges like those, but it all worked out.

Point is, it’s not impossible.


Interesting. Did the website you were trying to enter earlier ask you for a “PennKey”?

Congratulations to you and your friends


You might have clicked a wrong link. I’ve seen that webpage too

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Does it show anywhere on your Penn application portal or checklist that they received your mid-semester or 1st-semester grades? Wondering if mine not showing up anywhere means that my school forgot to send them in?

Others have asked further up in this thread. Penn’s portal does not have an indicator for the receipt of the mid-year report. If it hadn’t been submitted, you would have heard about it by now.

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I have an unsatisfied requirement in my financial aid portal.


You got in during ED or RD? RD aren’t out yet i believe.

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Were they the “friendly reminder” emails?

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Yes. I’m pretty sure everyone got them

No, they were separate emails that I got in late Feb and early march that asked me to submit W-2’s and housing info into their online portal