<p>I applied to the UPenn SAAST program recently, and i couldnt help but see that a ton of my fellow cc'ers have gone! IT SOUND ABSOLUETLY FRIKKIN FANTASTIC OMG I WANT TO GO SO BADLY</p>
<p>I want to do BME in college, and so I applied to the bioeng. program, and while they say that taking AP Bio is by no means a prerequisite, but a "plus". Is this "plus" a reference to how easy it will be as a student, or in the acceptance process? My school offered Bio sophomore year, but the top 20 percent of the class took AP Physics, which I did. I am taking AP Chem this year (no choice for bio; i am taking AP Bio next year). I am proficient in calc and am at the end of my AP BC calc course (having skipped a year in math; im a junior, and have taken the highest </p>
<p>800 Math Sat II, 2340 SAT I (often I like telling people I got a 2390, since my 750 was math [800 W, 790 CR] because this babe was in front of me and I was checking her out, and I can easily get an 800 my next time around), and 770 Physics. </p>
<p>92 GPA, more APs and honors than anyone else in my grade, and I go to a top 20 private high school.</p>
<p>Outstanding recs, and nice ECs that show a lot of leadership qualities, motivation, and organization, and I wrote sweet essays. </p>
<p>I kinda want to ask to be chanced for the program (I had Nano as my second choice), but if you don't want to can you just tell me if not taking AP Bio will hinder me in Biotech? Nano only prefers having AP chem exp, which I will have.</p>
<p>SAAST is not that hard. You seem fine … with your “92 GPA”.</p>
<p>I’m more concerned about the “because this babe was in front of me and I was checking her out” part. Was that supposed to be funny, or are you really that affected by women?</p>
<p>It was meant to be a joke. I was fairly distracted by my divisional swimming championships in a couple of hours, and the exam was meant to be a no-prep test run.</p>
<p>I apologize if I offended you.
Also, why is my GPA in quotes? I assume, looking at your older posts, that it was merely a quotation, as your posts are always honest and helpful, but with a site full of naysayers like this, who knows if it was an attempt at an insult?</p>
<p>Anyways, thanks.</p>
<p>No offense taken; I’ve noticed test takers who seemed distracted by other students, though.</p>
<p>You wrote
Did you mean a 4.92 GPA? I’m not aware of a GPA scale that is 92/???. So I was just referring to that.</p>
<p>Edit: Hm, it seems like the X/100 GPA scale is infrequently used in areas other than where I reside. Apologies for the mix-up, then; I didn’t realize any schools still strayed from the 4.0 scale.</p>
<p>damn. Hot babe in front of you and you still managed to do that well.
I’m very jealous of your concentration skills.
Were you able to see the top of her underwear when she leaned forward?</p>
<p>LOL. well sacrificing 50 points on your SAT for a good cause, seems worth it :P</p>
<p>but don’t worry about it. i was accepted, didn’t go but had only taken honors bio and honors chem</p>
<p>hey guys i received the decision this afternoon!!!
It actually surprised me cuz i was expecting to be informed in late April… like 25th, 26ish
BIOTECH!!! yay!!! Anyone else???
(i couldn’t find another thread for this program so…)</p>
<p>i got in to biotech too! heard it’s a lotta work though</p>
<p>congrats!!! are you going?</p>
<p>I’m in biotech as well! : )</p>
<p>yeah i’m going for sure. sent in my stuff today</p>
<p>woohoo! Would anyone like to make a FB group? I think it’d be nice if we got to know each other a bit before we arrive and get loaded with work (=</p>
<p>I will be a legitimate intern at JHU Biomedical Engineering with the department head. Like, no making coffee haha. Good luck to you all, have fun!</p>
<p>@freefly Congrats!!!</p>
<p>@emirii: yeah i guess we def could… i’ve seen the SAAST 2010 fb page…
btw have you guys gotten the enrollment forms and stuffs?
ok so i submitted everything like 3 days after the admission… but I haven’t received a single email from them yet since then
… i know im supposed to be patient = P
… but…</p>
<p>Just dropping a little note- I am fortunate enough to have contacts @ UPenn, one of which is the Wharton dean (like, won’t help me get in, not to mention I have no business interest, but we had a chat about general admissions), and I just want to make sure everyone is doing this because they want to. Also, do not do it if you don’t have enough FA, if you need it. If you’re doing this to get into college, intern as I did. I.realized that I want a direct experience as opposed to an academically manufactured one, just because its JHU BME (i mean, I’m so lucky haha best in the country) and I get paid and i’m doing volunteering and lifeguarding; saast camp would be too much. If you find yourself in this situation, remember that you have to WANT it and be able to AFFORD it. Just my 2 cents. If you’re going, I’m sure it will be AMAZING!!!
Good luck, thanks mojobabe</p>
<p>Btw my conversation with the dean was basically, if you are paying for a camp, and it is not distant learning (CTY or EPGY dl e.g., then it will not positively not negatively affect your admissions situation at all</p>
<p>@ freefly: woah, congrats on your internship!
@ mojobabe: forms are going to be available this week, I believe (=</p>
<p>@freefly: i was totally overwhelmed by your stats when I first saw this thread… haha I do think you deserve it…
hmmm one question: for your internship, did you contact the professor (at JHU) personally or it is a program that opens to all students?</p>
<p>Hey guys, so I hear you guys are accepted to the SAAST 2011. Well I applied, but I haven’t received an email nor mail regarding my status of admission. Are they still reviewing material about me? Or does this mean that I am denied? I mean they’re supposed to tell me that I got in or not, so it’s just weird. It’s May 8th already…</p>