<p>This is my first choice school but I am worried about getting housing after sophomore year. Is there affordable off campus housing close to campus that is safe? I don't want to feel like I have to join a sorority just to have housing.</p>
<p>Anyone??? Any current students out there who can help me?</p>
<p>There are lots of apts very close to campus (go to their off campus housing website to see some of them) and the bus shuttle goes to most of them. Also the univ is building new apts on campus for upperclassman (An addition to the South Commons - which are gorgeous).</p>
<p>Unless you get the B/K scholarship, which has started offering guaranteed 4-year oncampus housing, you probably won’t get on campus housing your third and fourth year, unless you get a spot in the Commons, which are on-campus apartments and they let you renew your lease every year if you get in (which is difficult). The rent in apartments is slightly ridiculous but I supposed not much more than you pay on campus, and if you have a few roomates, it probably will only be a few hundred a month…also the UMD buses go to the nearby apartment complexes, so you don’t really need a car (though it might be helpful)</p>