UPS & FedEx Notifications

Yes, I signed up for Informed Delivery here:

To find the section for incoming packages, click the “packages” button on your Informed Delivery dashboard


Even though it is scheduled to arrive by Monday evening, looks like the Miss Porter’s package has arrived in our country already and will hopefully be delivered on Friday or Saturday instead!


Just check usps and it’s just random mail💀 god help us all

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The USPS package checking is messed up again as you can see below in your image. “Temporarily unavailable”


Thank you!


It’s been up and down for the last 2 days. Just keep trying. :sob:


sometimes refreshing even after only a minute or 2 works. It was down for hours yesterday and is still flaky.

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Does anyone know how The Hill School sends their packages (Fedex, DHL, etc?) Thanks!

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pretty sure someone earlier said it is USPS

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They sent by USPS. Check informed delivery, the package should be from NEOPOST USA Philadelphia

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Nothing sent on my USPS informed delivery. Did they go out today? Bummer.

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Got out March 8th 10:45pm

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Thanks! i just signed up for USPS a few hours ago and it says it takes 3 days to activate…Did your package already arrive?

Anyone get a usps passing through Philly regional station @ 8:35 tonight?

I’m rapidly regretting signing up for these notifications! I know there were plenty of warnings from other posters, and I thought to myself I’m not going to do it, but in a moment of weakness I signed up for all three and now I am compulsively checking and being depressed each time there are no packages… and then checking again! Aargh. I need to stop…


Miss Porter’s package just arrived and it is definitely not the same as what they sent to US folks. Looks like, from the size of it, it is just a folder or two with some basic information. It was not a box. I wonder if that is fairly typical. It would probably cost too much to send those 2-3 pound packages to all overseas students, but still a tiny bummer since my daughter could see the packages being packed on Instagram and the other kids will clearly get a water bottle and other little goodies. But, happy with the acceptance - no water bottle really needed! :grin:


They may get the goodies once on campus.


did anyone else get a deerfield notification


Yes, acceptance is better than a water bottle. My daughter’s best friend has been denied to this school and it was her 1st top choice and she has waitlisted on all that they have received so far. I feel for her…