UPS & FedEx Notifications

Where do I find the dashboard? Thanks

I can confirm that yes, SPS uses USPS. My daughter is a Third Former there this year and last year her box was sent via that method. She got hers way after M10 (we’re West Coast), I believe it was around the 15th. Received the acceptance email though from SPS late afternoon M10. I hope you get in! She LOVES SPS and it’s as amazing as everyone says!

Here is the label from last year!


can someone please explain how to check, it has probably been explained before but…


No notifications so far. I’m assuming things usually get mailed out in the am? Hopefully this isn’t a definite bad sign.

There have been lots of posts from parents whose kids applied in other years saying they didn’t have notifications and then boxes showed up. Also, not every school sends out a package. In fact, I’d love if users crowdsourced a breakdown of which schools send packages so students aren’t searching for notifications when the schools they applied to don’t send anything like that.


It depends on if you’re using FedEx, UPS, or USPS


Also depends if a box will show up on M10 or after.


My son was accepted at five schools last year…no notifications and all sent boxes.


Exactly. Thank you for posting!

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I think the worst thing about having set up the alerts and knowing now is that I completely suck at keeping secrets like this from my kid (you know like that really great Christmas gift you buy in like September and you have to wait until December 25 before he gets to open it!). No, I can and do keep them, it’s just so haaaaaaaaarrrdd!!! :woozy_face: 2 more days. I can do this! LOL!


Congrats on getting notifications! Can’t wait to hear what they are when you’re ready to share here! Super exciting! And I know what you mean - I didn’t even sign up for notifications, but still received one and it was SO hard to not say anything yet.


Does yours now show all three cancelled? My guess is someone realized they’d show up on March 8, not 10th.


I am pretty good, but I have to keep reminding my husband ( like before every interaction with our daughter) and why we agreed not to tell her. He is the one that discloses every surprise/holiday gift. Usually I try not to tell him either, but I was bursting.


Did you have alerts set up? I wonder if people who didn’t receive them last year had their alerts set up or not?


I’m waiting until everything comes in before saying anything. I’ve only told a cousin in CA because I know she has no way of squealing to him :rofl: He should have some results early but I think a couple come later in the day and we have a meet starting Friday going through Sunday so I’m not even sure when he will get word on those later ones. But so far things look reeeeally good.

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Yes, all three cancelled. empty joy?!!! :broken_heart:

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To help me keep the secret till M10, I kept telling myself that it’s not final until I saw the email or received the package.


I doubt they were addressed in error to the wrong people. My guess is new person handling FedEx labels and first created duplicates, and then accidentally set for delivery March 10.