UR Class of 2026 Admissions

My D was accepted EA and considered Richmond as an outlier option at the time, it was not one of her top 3 choices. Ultimately was accepted during EA, awarded Presidential Scholarship, and was also put forward as a semifinalist for the Richmond Scholars. She was chosen as a finalist and just returned from a 3-day visit that was 100% covered by Richmond. Flights, hotel, meals, swag, etc. She left incredibly impressed with the quality of the academics, the campus, and the program itself. To their credit, they did an extremely good job at courting this group of applicants. Many have options from a list of schools you might expect and several were International. From talking with my D, several kids left Richmond having been won over by the entire program. As a parent, I’m still shocked by the whole process, but their level of continuous engagement over these past few months is impressive. If you’re ever awarded this opportunity, don’t pass it up.


Congratulations to your D!. Must be an impressive young woman. My child had the same experience at Wake and ended up going there. There is one added benefit to consider - by definition your D may be a much stronger than average candidate. You will find out that once there, this same strength will allow your D to be a big fish in a small pond. In terms of building confidence and a resume, it can be a real, yet intangible benefit.

Congratulations! I have a current UR student and it is a fantastic college!

ED then deferred then waitlisted. Has anyone been notified from the waitlist yet?

We haven’t heard anything. I’m assuming it would be after the April 13th waitlist virtual meeting? Or later.

Where did you hear about this meeting? Can you share any info?

they sent an email about a waitlist faq zoom

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Can anyone share any information about the waitlist faq meeting? I missed it for some reason. Like what should and shouldn’t do next(send a LOCI or not, etc.)

I hope I got it all correct, but this is what I noted-
They usually expect to take 40 students from the waitlist, but they will not know until May 1st if that will happen. Last year they took 7 off the waitlist.

So far 551 students have committed (as of 4/13)

They want 815 students for freshman class They hold the class at 815 because first-year seminars are capped at 16

The AO committee starts the reevaluation process again from scratch with the waitlist applications if spots open up. They usually have 800-1000 on waitlist

Updates you can send:
updated third-quarter grades
*no more letters of recommendations
send a LOCI to your Admission Officer - anything else sent should go to application@richmond.edu (you can cc your AO)

some questions in the chat were:
Q: Do you recommend sending my admissions representative emails with updates and continued interest every once in a while?
A: Yes! It would be helpful for you to email your admission person.

Q: I have already sent a LOCI to the admissions office, do I need to send anything else?
A: Only if you have other updates to provide, such as new grades.
You can also let them know it is your first choice and will accept their offer and enroll if that is true

You can send a short follow-up after May 1: quick note Hey, I’m still interested.

Continual reaching out doesn’t necessarily help if your application doesn’t fulfill an institutional need (they want a tuba player and you play the violin)

Getting off the Waitlist:
they send a text first and ask you to call back. If you don’t respond they will reach out in different ways. keep an eye on your email and portal if you don’t check your phone.

waitlist movement might happen a few days before May 1st - but most likely after

need to make a decision w/in 7 days. if more than a couple of days update them during the process to let them know you are still thinking about it. They’d like to offer the spot to someone else in a timely manner.

They usually have 50 spots for Sophomore transfers.

They are going to post a recording soon.
Good Luck!


So glad to hear! DS is deciding between Penn, ND and Richmond. Based on what you know now, which would you choose?

All three are outstanding! Would your child be a Richmond Scholar? The college awards a few very generous & highly competitive merit scholarships. UR is an extremely well-managed college and I would say that they do most things very well. Classes are small and professors are highly accessible. Students are happy with many opportunities for research, internships and travel - some funded by the college thanks to its large endowment. Career services is excellent. College is much smaller than Penn & ND. Of course, both are fantastic colleges.
My child turned down offers of admission from other more highly ranked colleges to attend UR and has never regretted the decision. New President seems terrific. Good luck with the decision!

Thanks! My son would be a presidential Scholar at Richmond. He is coming from a small private school and the size of Richmond and general feel appeal to him. He is lucky to have these choices, but we want the one that will be the best fit!

Congratulations to your son! I hope that he has a terrific college experience. As I mentioned, my child has truly enjoyed the time at UR and, I believe, has received an outstanding education. Now, trying to decide among a few job offers. Best luck with your son’s decision!

Just curious if anyone heard any movement from the WL pool?

not yet for me. (international)

Not yet

My son loved Richmond, but ultimately decided that he wanted a school that also offered engineering. So, he declined Richmond’s offer and its presidential scholarship. Hoping that his decision opens up a place in the class and provides some merit aid for someone who is waiting!

In case anyone was wondering, 3,891 students were waitlisted this year, 886 students accepted a place on the waitlist, and as of 5/13 9 had been admitted off of the waitlist

Here is the link where I got this info:

It is 2021 information, isn’t it?

This is last years information