UR Class of 2026 Admissions

Waitlisted :confounded:


Daughter was waitlisted

Accepted, but zero merit grant. Not sure if that comes via separate email or if it means zero.

Waitlisted after being deferred from EA. Sent them two additional recommendation letters, a letter of continued interest, as well as midterm and second semester grades that I was really proud of. Definitely discouraging that we have to keep waiting and waiting, but good luck to everyone!

Waitlisted but said no to the continued interest. I found that they value rank over most things sadly.

Good luck to everyone waiting!

Son was deferred now waitlisted. Ugh

Deferred then waitlisted

Deferred then waitlisted.

Son accepted but sorry for those who received disappointing news.

S Accepted. 1500 & 3.96 UW. Strong EC’s.

Deferred then waitlisted

Deferred then waitlisted. DD had a really rough junior year with March 20- June 21 of remote school–she get pretty depressed and her grades really suffered (for her, the school considered her “fine”), she’s back to straight A with lots of APs (AP scores were decent with 4 4’s junior year, but mostly B’s in the classes). I worried about this then, I hate seeing it play out as I thought it would.

Daughter deferred EA then waitlisted. She’s more surprised to have even been waitlisted. Very light on EC’s or anything that sets her apart. Strong grades and scores but that’s everyone here. She’s still
somewhat interested but is excited about her other options.


These kids had a rough road - happy to read that your DD rebounded and is thriving now. She’ll find her place. This year’s admission cycle has been brutal for many - including my S22.

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D deferred then waitlisted. She is quite happy with many of the schools that have already accepted her - realistically, without significant merit aid this wasn’t going to be on her radar. We will probably be declining the spot to free it up for someone else.

Son deferred EA and waitlisted RD, 1510 SAT, 3.9 UWGPA

D waitlisted RD, 1490 SAT, 3.9+ UWGPA. Thankfully, she has a number of other options. What an admissions season.

D waitlisted. We were expecting a denial bc she showed no demonstrated interest, so this is easier to take! 4.0/4.95 at high-rigor HS. Lots of excellent leadership ECs, research experience, great essays and recs. Went TO bc we thought the gpa was very strong. Without merit, UR would be too expensive for us, so I think she is moving on to a school that loves her back.

I should say, I liked the wording of the waitlist letter. It didn’t feel like a rejection in any way, and did acknowledge all her hard work.

Deferred and then waitlisted (seems to be the trend). 1510 SAT and 4.0 UW. Surprised at how competitive it was this year for Richmond. Thankfully I have better options elsewhere so not really upset.

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