Hey guys.
I’m Diana and I’m nuts for NYU.
However, I had two truants this semester because my parents weren’t home and nobody could call in school for me.
Again, I love NYU so much and I really want to go there.
I am afraid I can’t get into any college at all because of the truancies in my school report.
I don’t understand how come nobody discusses this online. So mysterious.
Is it because truancy does not directly affect admission or is it because truancy is too serious for students who are seriously considering going to college to commit?
Please answer me. Feeling deeply insecure here : <
grammar error
No, truancy doesn’t matter!! Attendance is nothing to them colleges cuhz. You will make it into NYU Diana. If you don’t, then idk whats wrong with them admissions bruh. Good luck!
I hope you’re right I just feel there should be more specific guidelines on what colleges are looking for in theor applicants. @elitelow Thanks. Your comment is really sweet.
If truancy and attendance mattered, I wouldn’t have gotten accepted into any school! I was late over 100 times last year and was absent quite a bit too. They don’t know, and they don’t care! Good luck!