well i just found out yesterday that schools like penn and cornell and probably dartmouth had additional financial information due on the first of February!</p>
<p>The thing is I did not know i had to do css/fasfa by like the first because my counselor told me not to worry about it unto i get in!! Well she was obviously major wrong.</p>
<p>This is so important to me because my family makes about 25K per year (family of 4). i cannot even dream about going to private school if i dont get aid...</p>
<p>my question is what do i need to do specifically for darmouth (or if you know for penn/cornell/brown/northwestern/Johnshop/nyu) besides fasfa. i am finishing css profile now.</p>
<p>any steps, even the basics i need to know!!</p>
<p>thanks everyone</p>
<p>that needs to be posted on the respective ivy boards for the other schools). People there would more likely know what to tell you.</p>
<p>I don’t know of JHU having anything due February 1 though (to the best of my knowledge). They use ‘IDOC’ with collegeboard for the financial stuff.</p>
<p>Get going now. Turn in the CSS asap, because this will kick off the IDOC request. Once you get the IDOC information you’ll need to mail in a copy of yours and your parent’s 2008 tax returns so that they’re received by 3/1.</p>
<p>And after you’re thru jumping through all these hoops last minute, I would make a complaint about your college counselor for giving you such completely bad information.</p>
<p>Instead of relying on your college counselor, or College Confidential discussion boards, you really should take ownership over your own application process. EVERY school that you are applying to have detailed Web sites that clearly explain school-specific deadlines and requirements for admissions and financial aid. It is the responsibility of each and every individual applicant to make sure they follow instructions and meet deadlines for each school they apply to.</p>
<p>My suggestion is that you not rely on anyone else, but rather go to the Web sites of all the schools you have applied to and determine the deadlines and requirements for financial aid. I’ll help you as it pertains to Johns Hopkins University – here is the link:</p>
<p>[JHU</a> Student Financial Services | Prospective Students | Freshman & Transfers | How to Apply](<a href=“Student Financial Support | Johns Hopkins University”>Student Financial Support | Johns Hopkins University)</p>
<p>bobslove, the financial stuff is very confusing and difficult without the help of a parent so I get your oversight (after all you need their info). I think to people familiar with the requirements it seems very simple and clearly laid out, for those of us first looking at these requirements, which vary greatly from school to school, it is alot to keep track of and get straight.
Heads up, you will need to send in a signature page with your tax retruns to college board who will get it to JHU electronically. You can get it done, especially if you don’t have much of a household income, really comes down to a very few numbers.</p>
<p>just want to say thanks to everyone who helped and everyone who didnt! :P</p>
<p>css,fasfa,suplements,idoc, all done!!!</p>
<p>all i need to do now is
additional grant scholarship aid.</p>
<p>good luck to everyone!!</p>