URGENT, PLEASE HELP ME! Is eviction a good topic for UC essays? Advice, please?

<p>I know it's super late to be deciding this, but I've been considering writing about being evicted from my home toward the end of my freshman year for the UC prompt 1 (I want to go to Berkeley!). </p>

<p>It was quite sudden - I just came home one day and my mom told me to pack up my things because we had to move THAT DAY. We ended up getting a week or so to move out, but it was a pretty difficult experience. A lot of stress, since I didn't know where I would be living. Most of my things were sold or thrown away. My father (who is neurotic) went door to door asking for neighbors to store my late grandmother's grand piano. I remember feeling pretty ashamed about that. And other details like that. I ended up living at my grandmother's house a few towns over (but still close to my school) for 7 months. I had no privacy, lived out of a suitcase, and my parents slept on the floor. Etc. I usually didn't have transportation during that time - we only had one car that an aunt bought for us - and I had no discretionary funds. I still don't - I've been wearing almost all the same clothes for the last 3 years, etc.</p>

<p>Do think this stuff sounds good to write about (Obviously, I would try to put it all much more eloquently.). I also want to say how the experience gave me a lot of perspective, since I go to school in a VERY affluent suburb. So I guess I would describe how I saw different sides of life and how there is a lot of variety in the human experience? Something like that.</p>

<p>I also would like to include something about how I'm very into studying history, culture, world events, etc., on my own via books and the internet, because I feel that's very integral to who I am, as someone who would like to maybe be a journalist or a human rights activist of some sort. I did a lot of this during the time that I was at my grandma's, but I've also done that for all 4 years of high school. (I read National Geographic, independent world news sources, watch a ton of documentaries, took a sociology class, etc.) </p>

<p>Another thing - I was in band for 3 years, spent MASSIVE amounts of time in it, and quit senior year :/ I never held any leadership positions in band (now, I'm an editor on the paper), and I'm not planning to do anything music-related in college, sooo I'm sure that looks really bad on my application. So I was thinking of incorporating how, the summer I was at my grandma's, I taught myself baritone horn and sort of used that as something to focus positive energy on. I think that might shed a positive light on the whole band thing. Although, it might be a bit redundant, since I will already have written a bit about band in the activities section.</p>

<p>So, are my ideas good? I kind of want to incorporate and mesh together all of them, but do you think there are ones that I should focus on or any that I should leave out? </p>

<p>Thank you!</p>