<p>Hi, this is my first post! My daughter is an URM (African American Female) who has applied SCEA Stanford. Please evaluate her chances! Thanks!</p>
<p>SAT: 790 Math; 680 Verbal (subtotal 1470); writing 750; total 2220
SAT subject: 720 Englist Lit; 640 Math 2C (retaking Math 2c tomorrow 12/3)
ACT: 31
GPA: ~4.5 weighted; 3.7 unweighted (very competetive high school in midwest; top 9% of class); less than 1% African American in school
AP/IB scores range from 1 (AP US History sophomore year-1st time offered) to 4 on Eng Lit and Calc ap (Calc BC-3)
Most rigorous schedule available: All Pre IB/AP and IB/AP courses
Basketball, soccer and track (club and school all four years; state ranked in track)
Interested in Aerospace (being astronaunt)
Link leader and commisionner/officer
Community Service-Active Church youth group- leader and missions trips to South Africa/Vancouver/Inidian Reservations;mentoring program for kids
City Leadership Council Participant/Graduate of Program
Global Youth Leadership Conference (DC/NY)
Teacher/Counselor Recs should be pretty good
Good writer-essays expected to be pretty good
National Merit Commended
National Achievement Semi-Finalist (expected to be Finalist)</p>