USC Chances

<p>What are my chances at USC RD?
Here are my stats:
Ethnicity: Asian from TN
GPA: 3.88 (unweighted) or 4.15 (weighted)
Rank: Top 5%
APs: Biology, English Lit, English Language, US History, Government, Economics, Calculus AB
SAT: 1890 (bad i know, but I'm in a prep class and I think I can pull a 2100 in Oct. and prolly an even better ACT equivalent)
SAT II Bio: 700 SAT II US History : 680
Acheivements: Top Ten in International DECA competiton, 1st in state and region in DECA, Eagle Scout, Cofounder of first Red Cross Club in TN, NHS
Clubs: Varsity Tennis Team (1 - 2 years), City Area Red Cross YOuth Council (4 years), School Red Cross CLub (1 - 2 years) been VP and Prez, SGA (4 years), Spanish Club (2 years), Science Honor Society (1 year), Newspaper Entertainment Editor, Governor's School and other enrichment programs
Work: Movie theatre 3 months (30 hrs/week), Camp Counselor
Volunteer Hours: appx 180</p>

<p>Also, how is the business program there? Does anyone know of any other good match undergrad business programs for me? </p>


<p>USC will be a solid match if you break 2100, especially if math is high. TN is a tip. I think UMich is a good business program where you would be a match.</p>

<p>USC is very numbers driven for whites and asians. You need to pull the scores up because there is a ton of asian competition.</p>

<p>The more I read these posts, the more I think numbers mean squat. Everyone here has 700+ SATs, circa 4.0 GPA and 5-6 AP classes per year. I am going to give my all into the essays, where my personality and potential can come through. I'm half white and half Asian, so I refuse to listen to any more people who say my ethnicity and CA location will doom me. You're in all sorts of ECs: focus on those to separate yourself from the multitudes of numbers.</p>

<p>Sorry you caught me in a bad mood. I'm supportive, I really am! Just make sure you really want to go to L.A. And bring a gas mask; by 2010 you're going to need it to walk in the streets. And bring some blue spray-paint to vandalize the Trojan.</p>

And bring some blue spray-paint to vandalize the Trojan.

Correction, you mean red paint for the campus "on the other side of LA".</p>

<p>Well said TKM. Counselors spend the most time reading your essays and looking at your EC, which is what sets you apart from the crowd. Obviously you cant have crap grades and SAT scores, but if they're decent and you're really something special, itll help you. Good luck to you, and maybe I'll cya at USC, lol.</p>

<p>slight reach. it's a crapshoot at USC.</p>

<p>darkpenguin, don't know if u read my reply that I posted in the USC forum, so I'll repost it here. Your stats are almost identical to mine at the time I applied, except the SAT score. If you raise it to a 2100, then you'll have a very good shot at getting in. But don't count on a scholarship, you have to have almost perfect scores to have a chance for a scholarship interview.</p>

<p>BTW, USC doesn't do any early action/decision programs. If you want to be considered for a scholarship, the deadline is during the first week of December. Otherwise, the main deadline is around January 1.</p>

<p>Tennessee is a good thing for USC, but get up your SATs.</p>

<p>Thanks for your advice. Are you sure that TN helps though? I know it does for most colleges but I looked at and they said that for USC Geography was not considered. But it has geography as a factor for other colleges such as Penn.</p>