USC class of 2023 Applicants Thread

No merit scholarships. Waiting for March decision.
OOS (Ohio)
Applied for Biochemistry, pre-med
4.0 UW
4.75 W
ACT: 36 (all four sections, one/only sitting)
SAT: n/a
SAT2: Math2-800, Chemisty-770
AP: Calc BC, Chem, Seminar, Gov, APUSH (all 5s); taking 6 APs and dual enrollment math this year
NMSF, Student Govt officer, Club President, Key Club officer, babysitter 15 hrs/week, hospital volunteer

Congrats to merit scholarship recipients!

Does everyone get an email either way? Or only emails for no scholarship?

@Wishmeluck18 I thought they were saying they’ll accept a total of 7,000 hoping for 3,000ish enrollments.

No merit scholarships either–waiting for March!
OOS (New Jersey)
Applied for Journalism
4.05 UW (my school goes up to 4.3)
4.8 W
SAT: 1470
5 on AP English. I’m in IB Diploma Programme and will be testing this year.
National Merit Commended Scholar, I founded and am the editor of a magazine, work two jobs, am in National Honor Society + Spanish Honor Society, am president of my school’s Baking Club, and do peer tutoring. I also am an animal hospital volunteer and Girl Scout.

@barbpz whoops… then it’s tough competition!

@Wishmeluck18 @barbpz is correct. The plan is to accept around 7,000, and enroll around 3,000. Last year they wanted 3,000 and enrolled 3,400.

What about the Dean’s scholarship? I heard those wouldn’t be included in this round? But what about the emails saying you aren’t in the running anymore for merit? Doesn’t that mean nobody will get the Dean’s in March?

Has anyone else still not received an email?

Looks like I’m one of tens of thousands who got that “no scholarship” email this morning, oh well! It’s been fun trying to track where packages are popping up and watching people panic over font size. Thanks everyone on this thread, it’s been fun. See you in March!
(Side note: what is our prediction for the date and time for the March decision release? I’m lookin to mark my calendar)

No email here for my son. But I don’t have his login info to check his portal and he’s at an all day choir rehearsal.

If USC Admissions had assumed last year’s yield rate again (40.8%), and really wants to hit the target of 3000 enrolled, versus the surprise of 3,401 last year, that means only another 6,378 would have be admitted in March for a total of 7,353 this year versus 8,339 last year. And if 64,352 apply again this year, that would mean an admit rate of only 11.4%, down from 12.95% last year.

But… based on the email sent out today, they are looking to only admit 7,000 total and not even the 7,353 that I was predicting earlier in this thread. So, they are expecting a jump in yield rate again from 40.8% up to at least 42.9%. And if 64,352 apply again this year, the admit rate will fall to 10.9%. If that # of total applications hits 70K, that would equate to an admit rate of only 10% exactly. Either way, they are clearly expecting a ton of applications and unfortunately can only accommodate a freshman class of around 3K comfortably. It has just gotten to be way too competitive. I am thankful that both of my daughters got in during slightly less competitive cycles.

It is also very interesting how they sped up the process of notifications via email. At least they have learned to lessen some of the needless stress and angst out there while people wait on USPS and have to speculate needlessly.

As for the natural inclination to try and compare your stats to others who did get in now, if you did not, please just keep in mind that it is impossible to replicate exactly all that USC and its various Schools were evaluating. First, you are not competing with the entire applicant pool. You were competing with other applicants to one School only. Each School only has a certain allotment. And then they evaluate based on grades, test scores, essays, your why USC? answer, ECs, potential leadership roles and unique qualifiers or potential diversity markers like URM status, geography, First Gen status, etc.

It is not certain, but they could also include thoughts as to who might still be gaining an equivalent level university grant via need-based aid later. If so, such an applicant could be admitted in March instead, and USC could remain equivalently affordable for the applicant’s family. I.E. - if your EFC is rather low, an admission to USC can still be potentially affordable once you receive your FA offering… so they did not need to try and use a merit offering to entice you.


LA here I come!

does anyone know if you didnt get the scholarship if you till be considered for the world bachelor in the business program.


I have not recieved an email or a portal update, yet. Am I looking at the correct site; I live in WA State and have not heard of anyone here recieving packages yet. Does this mean I am still in the running and just waiting to here?

@threeplustwo My D has the same stats as you, 36 ACT(all sections), 4.0/4.4 GPA, 11 APs all 5s so far, NMSF, 2019 US presidential Scholar candidate, good ECs, applied for SCA Game design, also from Ohio. No merit scholarships this round.

@threeplustwo and @zzd857 my D also has similar stats (Biology) and is NMSF. Also her father graduated from USC. Do you think being NMSF has any bearing in this round? Meaning if they designate USC as #1 choice they get the Presidential scholarship anyway? So they don’t want to waste it on us for this round? Can @CADREAMIN, @WWWard or @s0meUSCkid95 help answer this for us?

@WWWard @CADREAMIN @s0meUSCkid95 So, it looks like about 1000 people got white box in this batch and this batch is only for Trustee/Presidential interview, not include Dean & they have around 300 scholarship (100 trustee & 200 presidential). So only 30% of candidates receive the scholarship for which they interview? then what about other 700 people|? bump down to Dean or no scholarship?

@collegeboundscal Hope you are right.

@ykim525 The others have much more knowledge than I do, but I think you can get bumped down to a lesser amount but not walk away with nothing.