USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

That does help. We’re holding our breath for tomorrow’s decision and may end up asking for more advice/input if you don’t mind.

The #s floated were 70-72,000. And they plan to admit 8,100 or so in total.


Happy to help!

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WOW - way up from last year!

Yep… the exact #s should appear in the admission and rejection letters tomorrow. But that’s what USC Admissions sent out previously. So, a planned 11.6% admit rate, with a goal of a yield rate of roughly 38%… to gain a freshman class of roughly 3100.

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any positive portal indicators? sorry if this was already discussed :confused:

I believe they only had 80 move on to callbacks and I believe they will get results tomorrow with the rest of the acceptances.

omg i didnt realize tomorrow is the 30th

what time will decisions come out?

I’ve been keeping away from CC since it’s been stressing me put a little bit thank you to everyone who has helped me out and for being so kind. I’m the first person in my family to apply to university in this new age with technology and in the US, so this whole process has been kind of scary and anxiety inducing! Praying/manifesting that we can all get in, and if not, we get better opportunities! Nervous but rooting for all of us! Hopeful to be a Trojan tmmr


My D the same. Wants to be a neurosurgeon. Tested into our advanced program in 2nd grade and has been in the most rigorous course offered since. Excellent grades, ECs, leadership, sings, acts, paints. Have a conversation with her and she can explain the human body like noone ive ever heard but put that same info in a bubble sheet and add a clock and her anxiety kicks in and she freezes up. Has a couple of good schools to choose from and has weighed the reality of finances into our choices. She seems decided on one “unless of course, i get in at usc, then i die right there!”
(Her words lol)

Didn’t say, but expecting noon PST based on last year. It rolled through waves by region between noon and 4:00pm. Not sure if they will change it up this year. This is only second time decisions are first coming through portal update (rather than packages).

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You have people that sat out last year with covid situation re-applying which is adding to numbers everywhere, plus with test optional, students are applying to schools they otherwise wouldn’t try if they had to provide test scores.

What do you think the yield rate for Scholarship candidates is? Same 38%?

I’m not sure. These are last year’s #s as to those with scholarships…

USC Trustee Scholars (full tuition) 100
USC Presidential Scholars (half tuition) 461
USC Dean’s Scholars (quarter tuition) 89
Recipients of other USC merit scholarships 70
National Merit Scholars 310

But I do not know for sure which of these were among the 1200 admitted last January. If only the top two, or 561, then it was 47% yield rate last year for merit admits.

I called the admissions office and they said all decisions will come out at 12pst. They said they are not sending the white boxed this year as of for right now. I asked if getting asked more documents from FA days before decisions was any indictor and they said yes it indicates you’re likely to get in as we wanted to have the financial aid offers ready with decisions.


I have a hard time believing the Admission Office would just openly state that the FAOs requests are indicative of anything (prior to decisions releasing). Also historically, FAO requests mean nothing about a student’s admission. But, this year is an odd one so we’ll see.


So it’s coming out at the same time for everyone despite if someone is rejected or accepted and what if u weren’t asked for more documents but that’s because ur fa was complete? Did they tell u about any other indicators?

yeah i feel like the wouldn’t just say all the information so openly, but maybe since it’s so close and decisions are already finalized they would. If other people called and asked it would be more believable. Just doesn’t make sense to not publicly announce the time, but then tell individual students when they call.

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That’s what I thought! It makes sense. Thanks for the update and good luck!