USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Please refer to WWWard’s post about it.

Historically, their requests do not indicate anything.

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hey everyone! i’m a prospective bfa acting major currently residing in orlando, fl. i was searching for information regarding decisions tomorrow and what time they’d be release/how we’d be notified when i happened across this thread. good luck to everyone!! :slight_smile:

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this week has been really busy, lol. i’m hearing from howard today, usc tomorrow, and nyu on wednesday, whew! if they are any other theatre arts majors in here, i’d love to hear whether or not you get in tomorrow, i’m definitely going to revisit and share my news <3


Have you been on the HU clubhouses? Your name looks really familiar

i love yours as well haha

lol, yes i’ve been on the hu25 clubhouses. was it tea time tuesday or something with troy?

LMAO yeah I’ve been on the tea time tuesday ones. I think I’ve seen you come up before, you seem hella smart! I’m Shawn but I doubt you’ve seen me up there much

Not disagreeing with you, but as a parent whose daughter is applying next year, I’m wondering if in hindsight you believe the shotgun approach was the best strategy. How did your student do with the original 5? Just trying to consider how best to approach this — do you actually diminish chances if you can’t do enough research?

i’m pretty good with faces, dm me @spiffyvibes :slight_smile:

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hi! sorry for late reply, CC wouldn’t let me send more replies because it was my first day!! honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if it was just a mishap, i applied for theatre BA and i’m absolutely certain my counselor sent the grades. it is what it is really, we’ll know for sure tomorrow


hi!!! im a ba theatre applicant!! best of luck to you, y’all BFA kids got it the HARDEST but i believe in you!! maybe we’ll be next 4 : )


I wonder how the scandals which have hit USC especially hard this past month will play into the admissions rate. surely the yield rate will go down so they will accept more people, right? someone give me hope lol.

Likely not at all. Last-minute stuff like this (barring the admission scandal) won’t really impact admissions itself.

Also they said they’re admitting around 8100 people, so nothing has really changed.

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Will spring admits be included in the 8100?

I don’t think so.


I think admissions can be need blind AND these late in the cycle contacts from FA still mean something positive.

Here is how it could easily work. Admissions makes decisions. Admissions then sends the admitted student list to FA say a week or so before decisions are scheduled to come out. The decisions are already made at this point and were made need blind. FA then checks the list for admitted students they need more info from and contacts them with urgent requests like we have seen here.

These decisions would fairly be described as need blind with FA just finding out the results early. There is nothing from what I’ve read that indicates FA cannot find out before we do.

I’m not saying it has to be positive news. I’m just saying the fact that admissions and FA are on separate tracks with some virtual wall between them does not preclude these late FA contacts from meaning something positive about admission.

FYI, I applied for financial aid and did not receive any late FA contacts.

Best of luck to everyone tomorrow!


Here is my truthful answer. This is my 2nd child so we have done this once before, and maybe were not proactive enough to start with. My DD currently a senior in college and heading to Fordham Law next year, had a different approach in high school. She started researching colleges in her sophomore year and had very specific criteria, even though she didn’t know what she wanted to study. She did many college visits and got a good feel for where she wanted to apply. She got multiple good offers and ended up at a school that offered full tuition.
I have worked as a high school registrar for 10 years (two different private schools) so have a good grasp of the process. My DS has know for the longest time that he wanted to do something STEM, but did not have a definitive direction until the summer after his sophomore year when he completed a summer long internship at a research university, won the state science fair, advanced to ISEF (that got cancelled due to COVID) and has a publication in progress. He had a long list of potential colleges all based on his criteria and who have highly ranked STEM and Engineering programs, and our plan was do do a 7 stop trip during his Junior Year spring break, and another 7 stop trip early summer. Needless to say, this did not transpire because of COVID. Did we leave it until too late? Probably… But, if you knew his rigorous academic, athletic, leadership, and humanitarian schedule you would understand the reasons we were unable to make it work any sooner. I am not saying this to blow his trumpet, but merely trying to explain our circumstances. And yes, maybe him being our 2nd led to a bit of complacency in terms of prioritizing. Sadly, hindsight is 20/20 and we now wait to see where the chips fall.
P.S. It honestly wasn’t really a shotgun approach. He truthfully never got to narrow it down to 5 or so, because we learned from the experience with my daughter that perceptions and impressions change really quickly when you set foot on campus and experience the school instead of just reading about it and watching well-produced promotional material. His list was long, but targeted. Also, I don’t think our research was insufficient, and his essays and writing supplements were of exceptional quality. He has been either accepted or waitlisted at amazing schools, but USC is truly where he wants to be. And again, I don’t like to spend too much time on these sites, because they can become all-consuming so I really only got on here maybe 3 weeks ago, and therefore did not see all the earlier info from @WWWard about demonstrated interest etc. This is useful information that I will most certainly share with my HS students.

We were contacted a couple of times this month. It’s because we filled out FAFSA but didn’t fill out CSS.


aw thanks! honestly, the callback was similar to juilliard, so i actually had a good time. i do however, wish i would’ve gotten the experience my cousin got and auditioned in person. she’s a freshman at usc right now and she auditioned right before the pandemic. i am a bit nervous about how my academic profile affected my decisions, but it’s above me now, lol. i’ll just have to sit tight for tomorrow. good luck to us both <3

this is an interesting theory.

on friday, 3/26 the financial aid office finally waived my ncp css profile and requested my mom’s 1040 tax form from last year to corroborate the information i provided. it did make me a little nervous that they made those changes so close to decision day when i submitted all of this months ago on november 19th.