USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Old person here who always chuckles about SATs.

Did very well on them, managed to land on an Ivy campus and CRASHED and BURNED freshman year. At that time, SATs were supposed to predict success freshman year only.

Best for being able to contribute, take care of yourself and family, and grow, by my lights: (1) work hard, (2) be organized, (3) have sufficient mental firepower for your chosen field, (4) develop expertise, and (5) gain experience.

Sorry, nobody is probably interested in that digression–or my opinion–but it’s very clear that SATs are not fair. Especially since scores can be raised massively with the use of expensive tutors.


Honestly no judgement here lol!
I feel for all the 2021 parents and kids — it was not easy. From what I’ve read there was some panic and many students cranked out a few (or many) additional apps. It will be really interesting to hear if people think it was worth it.

Best of luck to your family!


If I uploaded my tax returns and W2 forms the day I got my portal and was not selected for verification there would be no need for them to contact me right?

Didn’t read it as judgemental at all :slight_smile: Good luck for your process next year. I’m glad it’s almost over for us.

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If they don’t need to contact you, they won’t. :man_shrugging:

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That’s what I’m hoping. I’m in same boat.

I’m not saying if you haven’t been contacted you aren’t getting in. Rather if you have been contacted you might be more likely to get in

This theory, however, flies in the face of earlier comments which say prior years these late contacts have been accompanied by both acceptances and rejections.

One thing college confidential could do better is track these various “clues” and consolidate them for year to year review.

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Sadly, those are the same times: “12 p.m.” is the time at USC, in California, which converts to 3 p.m. on East Coast.

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Agree! I see no other reason for them to reach out this late in the game if someone has not been admitted. I do see it as an early sign. From looking at previous years it appears that those that received emails requesting additional documents were all admitted. Then of course there were people admitted that had no contact requesting additional documents. Best of wishes to you tomorrow.


right I meant last year 12pm est were the first batch released

Every year there are people that post here that were contacted by FA in the final week and they didn’t get admitted. It is already such an emotional time, it is dangerous to set up applicants for even bigger heartbreak by making assumptions. They are separate. If you were contacted by FA recently, you should try to feel the same as you did a a couple months ago - hopeful and anxious. Too risky to feel you have an edge.


yes, I honestly think FA and AO have no connection. Even with all my other schools it had no correlation. If anything they would tell me to contact them if I were accepted to further my aid, but from what I’ve seen, most colleges don’t inform their FA of the admitted students.

If these schools were really need blind they wouldn’t have a question on the application asking whether the student is applying for financial aid. They have a budget to manage toas and know exactly how much tuition revenue they have to admit. They are being disingenuous saying need blind (which they are within category but not across all students). Saying they are need blind does increase the number and diversity of applicants as well as alumni donations so it’s hard to move away from the label.


And also every email we received clearly stated “This notice is not an indication of admission decision”


maybe this year people can say if they did/didn’t get an email regarding FA leading up to decisions and then we can see if getting an email really meant something


That’s a great point! I completely forgot, but yes all my emails had a clear message stating the email was not an indicator.

Yes. I would have people report if they applied for FA and if they had a late contact.


I am so sorry, I was backward. That’s good!

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this might be a dumb question, but how do I check if my ncp waiver was approved?

If it’s no longer on your FA list. I also think they may send an email update.

I deleted my post bc I realized I might have been giving someone else bad news which is totally uncool and not for me to tell.

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