USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I’m not even sure what an NCP waiver is or if I even turned one in, but I my fast is still pending with everything complete and it says it don’t have any required documents in my USC financial aid status. Is the NCP under the recieved documents?

guys we have less than 24 hours left. nothing is gonna change between now and our decisions, and in the past USC has been pretty good about not giving hints so lets not stress ourselves out. I feel y’all tho, I’m anxious too bc USC is my last school to come out, my first choice and the app I spent the longest on, and I feel like I could’ve done so many things differently to optimize an acceptance. <3 seriously though there are so many shows to be binging rn instead of stressing out over something we don’t have control over.


guys, when opening USC Fast where it says application in review, my message changes from late march to Financial Aid Summaries for new freshmen will be released in early April.

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Historically, financial aid reports are given after admission according to CADREAMIN and WWWard.

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I’m praying they slip in the merit decisions tomorrow as well.


Go BFA kids go!


been my dream school since I was 8!

NCP waiver = non-custodial parent waiver. You may not have needed one. It’s a request that the non-custodial parent’s financial documents be excluded when determining FA package.

wait where?

mine says this too im assuming everyone’s changed


USC Fast, its the description for Application in Review

@WWWard or @CADREAMIN or anyone else,

I was accepted as a merit scholar to the WBB program in Feb, and even interviewed for a scholarship.
However, the scholarship status was never there on my admission letter. There was absolutely no mention of being selected for one. Should I be worried? After all I did have an interview, but still.

Anyone reading this thread who has already been accepted during the scholarship phase - did anything in your portal or FAST change?


How about March 26?

My son’s changed too.

i follow one of the usc insta pages where people post pics of themselves and a little bio and on their story it said that decisions come out in about 5 hours? is that correct? i thought it was tomorrow afternoon

Does having your NCP Waiver (Non-Custodial Parent) approved a good sign of admission? I would assume that USC would not go through 100,00 applications approving and denying them just for the applicant to be rejected right? Someone shared this theory and I was wondering if it was logical to believe. Still waiting for mine to be approved.

I was wondering the same thing

Question. My daughter is not applying for FA. She did complete a FAFSA just in case anything changes in the future. Her FA page says Action Required. Under application status it says If you have not already done so, you can apply for federal or USC need based financial aid by submitting a FAFSA. That is the first of 4 paragraphs. When clicking on Required documents, it says none.

Should she contact FA?

If she’s not applying for financial aid, to my knowledge, she doesn’t need to do anything.