USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Yeah — we aren’t sure what to do. He really wanted McCarthy. Can someone explain how the move-in for McCarthy works? They move in a few days earlier. So parents, have to stick around a few extra days if they want to participate in convocation and all the move-in day festivities?

Good questions. I suggest actually calling or emailing the Residential College Coordinator for McCarthy Honors Residential College. He can likely answer your questions better and offer the best suggestions. I will DM you his name, phone number and email address. Good luck…

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Yes, parents would have to decide if they want to stay for convocation. Many take the time to visit other areas in Los Angeles.

There are not a lot of move-in festivities for parents. There may be a department reception, but intent is to pull the parents away from the students so that the students can participate in their move-in activities.


Thanks — I missed the move-in experience with my first two, so I don’t want to miss anything with our last child.

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Thank you!

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FSU is a great school! I have two USC kids and one who graduated recently from FSU. Guess which one has no debt! :laughing:


Hi, I have some questions about freshman move in and hope you can help. My son is now assigned to a double occupancy at Mark Tower. For that housing, besides the items listed on the move-in, what else should we consider bring? Like fan, since no AC. Just curious items that we never thought off? And can we get most of the items when we are here? If we order from Amazon, where is the nearest location that we can ship to? Are the dinning halls open during move in? Would be also interested to hear how families across the country deal with the move-in

In terms of timing, Is 8/15 the move in day for all the freshman at this housing? We are on the east coast. What time does move-in start? Should we plan to arrive the day before? And is it a good idea to stick around at least for a day after?


There is an Amazon hub locker location in the USC Village. It’s very easy to have items shipped there and pick them up, including text books.

I’d recommend getting a fan if there is no AC, as well as a power strip and desk light. We brought a mattress cover, sheets, comforter, and towels in what we packed on the plane because he wanted to wash all of that stuff before he got to school. Pretty much everything else we bought when we got there (pillow, laundry basket, toiletries, etc).

When my son moved in we arrived the day before his move-in date and left the day after (so 3 days/2 nights). We landed at about noon and then went to a Target near LAX to get most of what he needed on our way from the airport to the hotel (we stayed at the USC Hotel). It was less busy and better-stocked than the Target in the USC Village. We also made an extra trip to another Target the day after move in to get things he forgot, then we headed to the airport after convocation. So yes, you can get what you need when you get there. He had all of his books shipped to the Amazon Hub in the Village.

I don’t remember if the dining halls were open or the timing of moving. But it was a well-oiled machine and was not overly stressful.

Congratulations to your son!

There is an Amazon locker in the Village. Warning, it will be very busy during move in. If something isn’t a necessity, you might wait until a week or so after everyone has moved in.

I would arrive the day before and, if possible, get an earlier move in slot. That will give you time to go to Target, Home Depot, Costco, etc (assuming you have a rental car) to pick up anything you forgot. Target in the Village gets very busy and will sell out of popular items.

There should be at least one dining hall open during move in. If nothing else, the Village dining hall under McCarthy will be open.

There is a YouTube video review on Marks Tower at
USC Marks Tower Dorm Tour & Review 2022 - YouTube

Much appreciated for the insights and tips and sharing your expletive @foxmom111, @lkg4answers , @wintersun68. Very helpful!!! How do we go about applying for earlier move-in day?
Thanks again.

The USC website has everything on it you could imagine.


You can request through your housing portal, it’s $75/night.

The USC Housing office is super helpful for other questions at (213) 740-2546 or 1 (800) 872-4632 or email at I found them to be the nicest office to work with.

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Good morning, another quick question, does the from provide drinking water? Or do we need to bring filetet water pitcher for example? What about Fridge, do the students ren from school ?

Many students use Brita water filters in their dorms/apartments

There are over 200 water filling stations on campus. Plastic bottles have been eliminated from campus effective July 1, 2022. Students carry refillable water bottles.

You can read what is included in the USC Housing brochure.

All residence hall rooms and suite bedrooms also come with a
microfridge (a small refrigerator-and-microwave combination unit).


Hi! My daughter lived in Birnkrant. She did not use her Brita filter as there are filtered water-filling stations everywhere, even on her dorm floor. We ended up taking her Brita pitcher back home. She drinks a lot of water.

Her dorm was furnished with one fridge (with small freezer) and a microwave.


For those who still need it, here is the link that will allow you to reserve for summer orientation… or just learn more about it all:

Reserve your Spot – USC Office of Orientation Programs

Here’s hoping that all of the newly enrolled Trojan freshmen have a great summer… and USC orientation… as you prepare for move-in day on August 17th & the start of fall classes on August 22nd…

Fight On! :v:

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I am looking for advice on outside scholarships from you, or anyone else, who might have information on this. After committing to USC, my son was awarded 3 outside scholarships. (One of which is pretty substantial and renewable.) Had we known about this prior to commitment, it would have been a factor in our decision. WashU’s financial aid was slightly better than USC’s but not enough for him to choose WashU over USC. Now that we know WashU would allow him to stack his outside scholarships, it would have made a huge difference.

I want to include a letter with the scholarship notifications, requesting that we be allowed to use the scholarships toward our EFC. My son wants to wait and see what USC does first. What do you think? Should we be proactive or wait and see how USC readjusts his FA package first?

Well, USC FA will simply adjust the perceived need by any amount of outside scholarships that they are made aware of by you or that external source. For example, let’s say that a student was given a $20K university grant along with other FA offerings… including loans and work study, leaving XXX amount due as the expected family contribution. If USC FA is made aware of a $10K external scholarship, USC FA will then likely just reduce the university grant by that same $10K, leaving the EFC exactly the same # and unchanged. So, it will all depend on how the #s lay out for your son specifically. Based on your description, I doubt that USC FA will respond as you are hoping. Scholarships can certainly stack, but they are all considered as available sources to counter the total cost of attendance. They normally simply lessen the perceived level of need. Hopefully though I am missing something in your description, and it will be a better result than I am unfortunately predicting.

USC FA describes it as follows: “Any scholarships you receive will not be in addition to your need-based financial aid but will change the composition of your financial aid eligibility. In most cases, we allow outside scholarships to reduce the amounts of student loans or Federal Work-Study in your financial aid package. We make every attempt to preserve any university need-based grant you may have been awarded. Each situation must be reviewed in light of the availability of funds, state and federal regulations, and the university’s financial aid policies.”

Good Luck…

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