USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

My DS got the email for the Trustee/Presidential scholarship. He did not get an email about travel reimbursement. Wondering if that was for out-of-state applicants?

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I think the travel reimbursement was on the portal, not via email.

Does the letter mention what percentage of early admits are invited to interview?


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Sorry - that’s what I meant. The travel reimbursement wasn’t on his portal. The email didn’t mention how many early admits were invited to interview.

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I think the initial admit letter said approx 900 of the 2400 early admits will be invited to interview - so 37.5%


We are out of state but nothing about travel reimbursement


My DS has the link to schedule a scholarship interview in his portal but did not get any email about scholarships. He does not have the travel reimbursement in his portal. Does getting an interview usually mean Trustee/Presidential candidate? Anyone else not receive an email about scholarships?

Hello @TeresaK
Getting an interview does generally mean that you are in Trustee/Presidential candidate contention. “No travel reimbursement” is okay/expected. Should have got email - check all email folders including spam. If still no email, call USC on Monday AM.


Thank you - @lkg4answers @CADREAMIN
I saw the email this morning, so I can answer your questions. No “hard numbers” of number of interview invitees is mentioned.
Of all the interviewees =>
Chance of earning a scholarship is very good.
Approx 50% will get Presidential
Approx 20% Trustee
Approx 20% other scholarships like Deans etc
Nearly all will be declared Merit Scholars
Schedule your interview via USC portal starting on Feb 10 5 pm PST.
Scholarship Decisions in early April (via email)
Only virtual interviews. All on campus Expolre USC sessions in April only. No mention of travel reimbursement


For USC National Merit awards, given they don’t require declaration of first choice college until May 31, I presume there is no advantage to declaring them the first choice college by the initial March 1 preferred deadline and that it has no influence on admission consideration?

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Correct. The only reason to declare it earlier is to get your financial aid package earlier. NMSC notifies colleges of first choice selections in batches. It isn’t immediate when you change your selection. USC says it can take a month after declaring #1 with NMSC for NMSC to notify the school and for USC to update your financial aid package. Watching what others have posted over the years, it is usually a couple of weeks or so.


And to add to above, tuition isn’t due till August so you have plenty of time to let it ride, it’s not like you won’t get your money if you wait. So if on the fence, no rush, no benefit. But if you are 100% and ready to put it behind you, then you can choose to (or not). :slight_smile:

If you do plan on attending USC I wouldn’t wait till the last minute to add USC as your first choice. USC makes housing decisions in early May and you want your Presidential Scholarship in place so that you are eligible for honors housing in McCarthy (if that’s where you want to live).

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Mom of Price School major here. Her roommate is Dornsife. Price does not have a language requirement, but Dornsife does. That has allowed her to dive into her major courses more quickly. She originally considered Dornsife but was drawn more to looking at solutions rather than theory.

Her experience is that her advising has been more responsive and comprehensive. She likes being in a small cohort at a larger university. She’s grown very close with her small cohort. Things to consider before a switch.

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Good point @collegemom12345. I had to think about that one, but I guess until you designate they don’t have you down as a Presidential if coming in NMF Pres versus a “non NMF” that comes in during EA/interview round.


Anyone know why College Confidential says 3/25 for RD results? The USC site said 4/1 elsewhere.

The always publicly use 4/1 date, but they also always get them out by March 23-25th - for years and years. Waiting till 4/1 would be silly and behind every other school they compete with for applicants.

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Good to see you back. Glad to hear that your daughter is settling in.

For what it is worth, Viterbi doesn’t have a language requirement either.

She is having such a great second semester! Loves her classes and has gotten very involved in a couple of clubs. She just found out she and her 5 besties from the dorm got the exact 3 bedroom apartment in the Village that they hoped for, thanks to a great lottery number. LA has been a revelation too. Her utter happiness makes it so much easier for her empty-nester parents. Thanks again for all the advice and support last year!


Just to add to this, if you are in Marshall, you have to take Stats, Micro, and Macroeconomics at USC, even if you got a 4 or 5 on those AP tests. You do get credit for those 3 classes if you got a 4 or 5 though so it frees up space in your schedule for electives and additional minor/major classes.