USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Like some said above, it’s likely that FA is separate from admissions. I wouldn’t worry. :slightly_smiling_face:

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FA inquiry has no bearing on admission. Final answer.

You will not receive FA info today - that comes about a week after acceptance. May start trickling out for some mid to end of next week but plan on first week of April so it’s not utter agony with more waiting.


If the financial aid office had everything they needed, then they won’t reach out. That is likely true for the vast majority of applicants. It is only those who are missing documents, or who have a more complex situation, that will receive contact from the FAO.


We completed the FAFSA, but not the other forms because we don’t qualify for any FA. We just did the FAFSA because we heard it is good to do for any potential merit scholarships at different schools. Anyway, my son has mostly gotten acceptances and mostly no reminders about decision day coming up via email.

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Same for us, and it is needed for merit. And if you ever want him to get Stafford loans ($5500 for Freshman, $6500 Sophomore and $7500 Junior/Senior year) you would need to do FAFSA, so it might come in handy to have on file. We had ours do these to have some skin in the game and to establish some additional credit during college years.


What does it say when y’all try to click on these events? USC Dornsife | Event Calendar


Mine says “you must first view your admission decision before trying to register”


Good luck to you btw! Happy to see you over here! :v:

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I applied Viterbi and decided to try their equivalent for funsies.

Ended up getting this message when trying to register:
"You are only allowed to register for one Explore program.

To modify or cancel your reservation, please refer to the link in your confirmation email. If you did not receive a confirmation email, please contact [redacted], Admission Event Coordinator"

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I applied to dornsife, and when i try to click on the viterbi one, it says “access denied.”
What does it say when you try to click on the dornsife one??

Which event did you select? There’s quite a few on their website.

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actually, now when i click on the viterbi one it shows up with 'You are allowed to only register for one explore program"


if i click on event #1 on viterbi it says access denied but when i click on the other ones it says you’re only allowed to register for one.
what does it say if you try to click the atlanta one on dornsife?

Atlanta gave “You must first view your admission decision in the portal before trying to register.”

Anything Dornsife specific gave “Our records indicate that you are not eligible to attend this session.”

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yeah i think everyone is getting the same messages. like certain events have other messages than other events, but im pretty sure everyone is getting the same automated message whether they got admitted or not. im getting the same things as you


Looks like it haha, gonna follow the same advice I gave to the Cal astrology thread to just check when you get the check your portal email :joy:

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Same scenario for us deferred and we don’t qualify for aid submitted the fasa anyway and have heard nothing since . It’s a first choice for us but we moved on emotionally and he is excited to have some other great options . If we get pleasantly surprised we will talk about options 90k a year is not an easy decision and not sure worth the cost for us . Good luck


My daughter is a current senior at SC, and we didn’t do FAFSA or FA. She applied and got her portal email, and then heard absolutely nothing else until she got her email to check her portal. We thought it wouldn’t happen for her since other people were talking about the contact emails from various departments they were getting and she had total silence.


Thank you for the reassurance. It’s still a long shot since he was deferred EA. But this gives us a glimmer of hope

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Try another date, it will probably give you the same as the person stated above “you are only allowed to register for one explore program…”