USC Merit Scholarship-YES?!

<p>i was wondering or not if i should send in my application for the merit scholarship now...or not apply for the scholarship and just send it in reuglar..i know i wont be able to get the scholarship but i just want to send it in to show that i'm really interested in the college..but i kind of want to send it in regular so that i MIGHT be able to take the jan. sat....any inputs thanks!</p>

<p>I'd send by the scholarship deadline just because you never know what might happen (they have some nice small merit scholarships that don't require interviews, along with the "big" ones). And I think getting it in by the first deadline does help indicate serious interest, but that's just my take, not info I've heard from anyone in admissions. I'd act on the theory "Can't hurt, could help," even though it may not matter in the long run.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>P.S. If you take a later SAT you could still send in the scores for them to consider after you've applied.</p>

<p>oh really?..hmm thanks!</p>

<p>Ooh, but you could always run the risk of having the scores arrive after they've already looked at your app!</p>

<p>but i heard that if i dont get the merit (which is obvious) then they'll just send it to the feb one so i'm guessing i should be allowed to take the sat in jan right?</p>

<p>^ really? they just send it to the feb one?!
oh and, i thought dec. was the last SAT we could take to apply to colleges o_O</p>

<p>wait..NVM for the WHOLE stupid mistake..i went back and the date for the feb isnt feb..thats stanford's date..usc's regular is jan 10..SORRIES!!!!</p>