USC vs Cal: want to be entrepreneur after college?

<p>Which one is more focused on entrepreneurship?</p>

<p>Actually NONE. You do not need to goto USC or Cal to be an Enterpreneur, you need minimal schooling to be entrepreneur, which you can get in cc or trade schools. You learn entrepreneurship by doing it. If you want be an entrepreneur you will be better off take that $220K that intended for USC and use it as a startup funding and work from there.</p>

<p>College is for large part to teach individual be a rounded person, it is not intended to teach some one how to start a business. If you have the goal set to be in business on your own and have the desire to be successful, you do not need a college education.</p>

<p>Lol, yea I love this comment. IMO, Babson is about the only college I’d consider investing in if I wanted to be an entrepreneur, because you’ll be surrounded by so many others who want to do the same thing. C’mon, if that’s what you want to do…thinking you should pour money into the college sinkhole is about the worst thing an entrepreneur could do. </p>

<p>This is, of course, all null and void if you are receiving huge scholarships.</p>