usc vs emory

<p>I got accepted to both USC and Emory, dont know major. Which is better school</p>

<p>I have spent a lot of time in emory when in college/med school. You can ask Georgia Girl about Atlanta but it is not my favorite city. First look for the best program for what you want to major in. If undecided at least look to where you are leaning.
I would also totally consider the cost to you and your parents.</p>

<p>If you have never lived in the south or been exposed to the atmosphere at emory, it is very different than LA and USC.</p>

<p>I am leaning toward pre-med, but not entirely decided.</p>

<p>Emory is academically a better school, but a USC degree has more influence on the west coast. The classes at USC are actually more challenging than you would think.</p>

<p>I may be biased, but I’d say that overall you’d have a better experience at USC, without having to sacrifice any academic merit.</p>

<p>hmmm im actually in the same boast as you…im between USC emory and NYU
i havent looked at emory tho so i think im going down there to check it out in a week</p>

<p>I heard the bio majors stay up to 1 AM studying at USC.</p>

<p>Emory is a school that was not as highly recognized until recently. Students are especially proud of their business school. I would check U.S. News for other rankings.
One should note Emory appears to have a fairly high freshman transfer rate for an elite university.
Emory does have one of the best student faculty ratios 5/1. There are a large number of northeastern students who enroll at Emory. In my opinion the students at Emory do not resemble the students at universities in the southern states such as Univ. of Virginia or Vanderbilt. I have visited the campus and found it to be a “northern” college in a southern state.<br>
The campus is in a close in suburban area, Decatur.</p>

<p>I heard the freshmen retention rate is 93% at USC and higher than that for Viterbi Engineering.</p>

<p>According to the latest 2009 U.S. News the retention rate for SC is 96%. That is the same as Cornell.</p>

<p>My friend is trying to make this same decision. Pre-med. He doesn’t know what to do. I kinda feel like his heart wants to go to emory though, and his mind wants to go to SC.</p>

<p>Film Fanatic,
If your friend can afford the trip I do suggest he/she visit Emory and see if it is a good fit. From what I understand about medical school acceptance the GPA and test scores are most important.<br>
Has your friend visited both campuses? Sometimes this can make the decision easier.</p>

<p>His sister actually goes to Emory and he visited her and got to live there for a week. She was really busy so he was on his own a lot of the time, and he really got to feel what it would be like to live there. I think that by living there he might have an emotional attachtment over all the USC because he never lived there. I dont know though, I think emory might be a better fit for him the more I think about it. Time will tell, he tours UCSD tomorrow and then Im sure a clear decision will emerge.</p>

<p>I’d go with financial aid. USC is offering me $5000 more in grants over Emory, so it’s a clear choice for me :)</p>

<p>Yea, Emory will end up costing him a bit more. I am not sure about the financial aid situation yet.</p>