Use the UW website

<p>The answers to most every factual question about UW arer easily found on the UW's website.<br>
Want to know where business majors got jobs and the pay--it's right on the biz school website in DETAIL. It is a little troubling that bright kids lack the initiative to use such a source. How do you plan to succeed in a big school?</p>

<p>Here's a starter link.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Great point! On the other hand, don't be too hard on these kids. That's why they really need to spend a few years at Madison mastering the art and science of being resourceful - something that I believe has served me very well in my career. ;)</p>

<p>dallas, do you think attending a huge U like Wisconsin forces people to become more resourceful? I wonder if you saw many instances of this.</p>