USMA Qualifications

<p>Hey, I ran a search before I did this, but didn't come up with anything just FYI.</p>

<p>I've just been wondering what makes a candidate triple qualified... I'm assuming it means they are Academically, Physically and Medically qualified. And how do you know if you are triple Qed? Does it say it on your the candidate site? Any confirmation, clarification?</p>

<p>You got it.</p>

<p>NVM... ran a second check just in USMA forum... got the answer I needed... doh!</p>

<p>whats the url for the USMA forum?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Hahahah. You are on a roll taffy</p>

<p>LOL taffy damnit I thought he was talking about an actual USMA forum on their site hahaha</p>