<p>I received a letter in the mail today saying that I am triple qualified. What does this mean and how does this affect my application status?</p>
<p>Congrats!! This is a great thing! This means that there is no question about your meeting the scholastic, fitness, and medical requirements for admission. Make sure to bring a copy (or send in advance) of this letter to your MOC interviews! Do the happy dance!!</p>
<p>All candidates must be triple qualified to be considered for an appointment to West Point. This means you must meet minimum academic, physical and medical standards. In addition, candidates must receive a nomination. Once these standards have been met, candidates are eligible to compete for an appointment. Being triple qualified is a great first step in the process - congratulations!</p>
<p>This class profile may put what I have said in perspective:</p>
<p>[USMA</a> Admissions: More Info: Class Profile: 2008](<a href=“http://admissions.usma.edu/MoreInfo/classprofile.cfm]USMA”>http://admissions.usma.edu/MoreInfo/classprofile.cfm)</p>
<p>Applicant Files Started 10,838
Nominated 3,746
Qualified (academically & in physical aptitude) 2,039
Admitted 1,305</p>
<p>Ok, well i have to put this into West Point’s perspective:</p>
<p>You are now qualified to wake up each morning at 0500 to do forced group PT, with 5-10 minutes to dress, shave, use the latrine and clean your room.</p>
<p>You are also qualified to go on seemingly pointless ruck marches every weekend up and down hills with 35-50 lbs. on your back and 15-20 more around your waist.</p>
<p>You are qualified to not speak unless spoken to, to answer every question with “Yes, sir/ma’am,” “No sir/ma’am,” “No excuse, sir/ma’am,” and “Sir/Ma’am I do not understand.”</p>
<p>You are qualified to march in formation countless times a day for eight weeks, singing all the while about how much you would rather be in the Army than back at home, or how fun it is to jump out of airplanes and run for hundreds of miles just like the Airborne Rangers.</p>
<p>You are qualified to hear every day that you are screwed up and that you need to fix yourself, and that when you do, you are still screwed up and might not ever be fixed.</p>
<p>You are qualified to entertain the cadre every day with recitations of the daily meals, numbers of days until key calendar events, and movie quotes, trivia and jokes.</p>
<p>But most importantly, you are qualified to begin your development as a leader of character that will hopefully graduate one day and represent the Academy as an officer in the U.S. Army.</p>
<p>Go Army, Beat Air Force!!!</p>
<p>AmericanSoldier: Are you a plebe?</p>
<p>Ann, I’d bet $ he’s a plebe…</p>
<p>You sold yourself short. You are also qualified to attend what is arguably described as the finest educational institution in this country, no small feat in itself, in addition to being provided the honor of serving your country upon graduation.</p>
<p>Best Of Luck,
<p>I will not reveal my class…sorry but you can speculate all day long. OK3-wire, i am not at all discounting my own school! I am proud of WP and the Army, i was just giving overshadowed a perspective which i’m sure he’s heard before but was intended only as a humorous answer to his question. Just getting in here is an amazing feat and i would never discount that accomplishment, much less the opportunity cadets have to succeed, graduate and lead soldiers. Hence my last statement:</p>
<p>“But most importantly, you are qualified to begin your development as a leader of character that will hopefully graduate one day and represent the Academy as an officer in the U.S. Army.”</p>
<p>OK3-Wire -
With all due respect - what American Soldier described is Cadet Basic Training. A New Cadet must first complete CBT before he/she may step into the classroom.</p>
<p>Complete CBT, become a West Point plebe. Then and only then are you qualified to:
<p>“I will not reveal my class…”
I think you already did ;)</p>
<p>i think you’d be surprised…</p>
<p>regardless, overshadowed congrats on your triple-qual! Just work on getting your appointment and getting into peak shape, and summer will be here before you know it.</p>
<p>“i think you’d be surprised…”</p>
<p>American soldier: If so, why the secret? None of the other cadets on this forum hide their class. Having watched cadets post over the years, one of the joys has been to see how they grow and mature, and change their perspective over time.
I did find your post funny
Thank you for taking the time to post.</p>
<p>I got my LOA a little more than month ago. I passed my CFA and am deemed “Qualified” through DoDMERB. However, I have not received an official triple qualified letter. Should I be concerned?? Thanks</p>
<p>An LOA trumps a triple qualified letter. You should get your appointment shortly after you get a Nomination.</p>
<p>My son never recieved the 3 qued letter, he is currenty a plebe.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for all of your posts, I went on a candidate tour of the campus this week (monday…some of those “drop zones” were hilarious-American Soldier) and loved it. I also just had an interview for a nomination on tues. so hopefully come Jan. 1 I’ll hear about that and get to find out first hand about American Soldier’s posts…</p>
<p>overshadowed, out of curiosity what was your favorite and least favorite things you saw? And what company were u assigned to?</p>
<p>I was assigned to H-3; my favorite part was the campus itself and how efficient and well set up everything was from the classrooms to lunch (good food too) to moving through the halls and how everyone seemed to be part of a bigger thing (USMA); I didn’t have a least favorite thing other than knowing that I’ll have to start as a plebe (with all that means)…</p>