Has anyone received notification of whether or not they made it into the program for this summer? I applied the day it opened and have not received any notification yet; I’m a little on the nervous side. For reference: I’ll be a junior next year.
Best of luck to all who applied!
My twin daughters have also applied to USNA Summer STEM this year…have not received an email yet.
They were fortunate last year to have attended, so I don’t know what their chances are of getting into the program again. Last year, they applied in March and heard back not 3 days later with admission emails. Hang tight…May 1st is the cut-off.
We recently received an email stating that applicants will know by April 15th.
USNA Stem just notified me yesterday April 2nd. I got in!
My son attended as a rising freshman and re-applied last year. We were told upon inquiry that the priority is for new students and re-admits would only be on a case by case basis if geographical representation wasn’t achieved etc. He re-applied again but we don’t expect it. I wish they would communicate this on their app because we probably would have had him wait till further into high school.
I called today and they said they will be notifying all applicants by May1 and that there will be a big bunch of notifications sent out on April 15th
Anyone get a notification today?
Nothing yet, and it’s getting late today!
I still haven’t gotten anything…I submitted my app the first day it opened…getting a little worried
I know they roll out admissions throughout the cycle and geographic diversity is a prime consideration. My son went to STEM going into his freshman year. He has re-applied but we were told that while they HAVE admitted people a second time, it’s not the norm. So we applied with little hope and haven’t heard anything yet. The year he did get in, he heard at this time of year (Easter week) and had applied the first day. Last year he re-applied (did not get in) and didn’t hear anything till the end of the application/acceptance process. So we are holding out even less hope but it is what it is. If you get in, definitely go. It’s a great experience.
My son, a rising junior, found out he was accepted today! I got the email as well. He applied soon after the application period opened. Good luck to all 
lol i got accepted, but im going to miss my 8th grade promotion. im expected to a deliver a speech because im the ASB/Student Council President. it’s such an honor to be able to speak for promotion, but I do not want to miss the opportunity to attend the summer program.
Do they also send the parent the rejection email?