UT Austin Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I submitted my application through ApplyTexas on Sept 30th. My MyStatus page under Admission it says my application is incomplete because my counselor hasn’t sent in my transcripts yet. Will they not be able to review my application or see that I have submitted it until my counselor submits my transcripts?

@babymomma , so far on here, there have been 2 acceptances I think. @Swammom and @OnHill whose kids are auto-admits and those were WAY back on September 15th. I would love to hear from anyone else if they’ve been admitted. It seems strange to just have those 2 and no others. I haven’t seen any acceptances on Reddit either.

@lilyg519 , I doubt they look at any application that is incomplete. They have too many completed applications to work through to risk reviewing an incomplete one that may never get completed. I hope your transcripts get submitted on Monday! They do seem to process things pretty quickly so once they receive them, your application should be complete and in review pretty quickly. Good luck!

Has anyone been able to pay the housing deposit? I’m not sure where to do that

@lilyg519 To be eligible to apply for housing, the freshman admissions application must be complete. You’ll see it under “Recommended” in MyStatus.

Hello Everyone,

My name is dboss4, and I am actually a graduated UT student. I had the honor of graduating just this Spring (May 2020) and am posting on this thread to offer my help to anyone who would like it. Let me just start off this post by saying that I understand how stressful the college application and admission process can be. It may have been five years since I have looked at ApplyTexas, but I vividly remember the entire process. As such, I just wanted to type a quick and friendly post letting anyone on this thread know that if they have any questions regarding UT Austin’s admission process (or anything else UT Austin related such as chancing, deciding on majors, housing, etc.) I would be more than happy to offer my advice and give any suggestions to the best of my ability. You can send me a direct message if you want to be more private, or simply just tag my name and post your questions in this common thread if you think others may have the same question. I think having an insider’s perspective may be very helpful to many of you and as such, feel free to ask away! Please be safe during this pandemic, and thank you for your consideration. As always, Hook 'Em Horns!!

Sure. As mentioned previously, she was Top 4% in her class, 31/640, 1360 SAT. Took Pre-AP and AP classes. Took medical pathway classes offered at her high school. Played both select softball and JV/Varsity high school softball. Volunteered over 100 hours with numerous charitable organizations throughout high school. Was a mentor for freshmen while in grades 10-12, participated in Young Life, was a member of National Honor Society and Spanish National Honor Society, was PR and Advertising officer of Future Doctors of America, and applied and was selected to a local program/organization called Pathway to Healthcare Careers. She did an unpaid summer internship with a cosmetic dental office. She also tutored and babysat for children within our neighborhood on a regular basis.

She applied for Nursing at UT, Baylor, and TCU. After being accepted at all three schools, she elected to do the Nursing Guarantee program at UT. Her father is a UT grad, and the brainwashing started early in our family. Lol.

I think the reason there isn’t a lot of activity on here yet is because very few students have heard back. It will get much busier as more families get acceptances. This is my fourth rodeo! I heard through the grapevine that A&M just released a ton of accepted admissions so that’s why it’s busy.

I have been on dozens of campuses over the years and have not found two colleges that could be more different than UT & A&M. Look closely at A&M before deciding to go there. There are two types of college students IMO, the ones who go to A&M and the ones who go everywhere else. One of my children decided to go there and it was absolutely the worst decision our family every made. And no, it had nothing to do with my husband & I both being Longhorn graduates. That child ended up transferring and is doing very well and about to graduate from UT’s true rival, OU! We have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the Sooner family and find TX/OU weekend to be even more exciting now!

A&M is for a very specific type of student. Think about every graduate you have met from A&M. If your child is similar to them and their personality, they will probably have a great experience. If they are not like them, consider it long and hard. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with A&M but I am saying it seems to be the perfect fit for some students and not a fit at all for others. If your child feels like he/she is not an Aggie, trust them.

If UT is your child’s first choice and they do not get in, do not automatically encourage them to go to A&M assuming it’s the only other “good” school in Texas. There are so many great colleges out there! Good luck!

Hi! @Oldhorn Thank you very much for your advice~that is very helpful!

If you do not mind, what about Texas A&M did not fit well with your child?

Also, I absolutely love OU and was wondering what differences you have noticed between OU, TAMU, and UT

Thank you!:relaxed:

LOL on this post. I have a sophomore son at TAMU engineering. Couldn’t be more different than some of my other Aggie friends, as we are from NY and he’s NOT your typical TAMU student. He loves it there. LOVES it.

I have a freshman applicant for UT Austin here at home, didn’t even want to apply to TAMU, considers it a last choice! He wants UT so badly, and he’s just waiting. waiting, waiting. He was admitted to TAMU last night - his reply: MEH. :slight_smile:

AND, his back-up school is OU as well - lots of people seem to go with these three. (We have others, too.)

As this is my second round, I will tell you - we heard from TAMU 2 months before UT on the last go round! TAMU has sent three rounds of acceptances, always on Tuesdays, so far this year.

Hang in there, everyone!!!

PS - in my brief dealings with these two Texas schools so far, Aggies are so much more friendly, even I might drink the lemonade if I were a college applicant!!!

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My daughter is a review admit for both A&M (her first choice) and Texas. Why does Texas do housing deposits before they are admitted?

I can’t say for sure, but best guess is $! Imagine getting $50 per applicant by approximately $50,000 applicants. While I am sure many do not pay, even if you get half the applicants it is a tremendous amount of money.
One other possibility is maybe to see interest? Applicants who really want to go might be more likely to pay that than those less interested - but I hope that is not true as it would hurt those with less income.
I admit, I paid even though we are out of state and so mostly likely wont get accepted. My fear was that should he get in, it is even more important for an out of state kid to have housing the first year - he wont know anyone else going who he could get an apartment with or where to even rent not knowing the city or state even.

@AtxAg95 , I call it the “housing donation”. Easiest money maker scheme out there and lots of us fall for it (me included).

@letsgogigem , my son is right there with yours. He didn’t even want to open his TAMU banner packet much less let me take a picture with him holding it. I felt like taking MY picture with it to post on Facebook! ha

DO IT! First come, first served. Consider it a donation.

Just for the shear joy and fun of speculation: Can we talk about UT invitation to Open Houses emails for targeted majors that you have applied to? Have you gotten any?

My son has applied to Electrical Engineering 1st major and Math 2nd major and the Honors program. Yesterday, my son got an email inviting him to register for a CNS Honors open house online that is 2.5 hours long (that is awfully long for an online session). I know there are plenty of spam email opportunities but this seems at least slightly targeted since it is for his 2nd choice major and it uses his preferred name (not his given, first name like most spam emails). Do you think it could possibly be tracking any interest for the 2nd choice major? Seems like they wouldn’t need to do that with so many applications to weed through but… Read my tea leaves and let me know what you think! (I promise I won’t cry if you think it was completely random and has no bearing on anything!)

How many Review Admits submitted an Extended Resume? If so, did you have a lot of activities pertaining to the major or just activities in general? Can you suggest any websites or templates? Did you organize them by grade? Categories?

My son didn’t do one bc his activities aren’t related to his major (and it seems like a large unpleasant task to create one) but I keep second guessing that choice. I know people say to do the extended resume but I’m just not sure if an extended resume of activities would help if they don’t point to the major. Thoughts from the peanut gallery?

Did not submit an extended resume either. To be honest, it seemed superfluous as all his information could be captured in the application and why would a busy AO with thousands of apps to read want duplicated information? If every other college can figure it out with the normal application questions, I am sure UT can too.
That said… Ive second guessed this also! You are definitely not alone in that! But found peace when my son said that if a college is going to reject him because he didn’t provide an optional item that provides no additional information about him, then it is not the right place for him anyway. I liked that response :smile:

S21 finally submitted his application. He is auto admit.

Has anyone on this forum received admission to Cockrell yet? How similar/different is the engineering admission process from the A&M engineering admission process? thanks!

Jumping on here…I’ve been lurking between this thread and TAMU’s. Funny thing is, I remember lurking around here about 5 years ago when my daughter was in jr. high and now…here I am - this time it’s for real. I went to UT and was in the Longhorn Band and I’ve wanted nothing more than to have my daughter go to UT. But now, the standards are not like they used to be and I have my doubts if she will get a full acceptance. We are well aware of the different types of pathways to UT and TAMU for that matter as well. She is a review admit for both schools - she has great #'s across the board but goes to a small private catholic school who doesn’t rank. Total graduating class size is 153. She hasn’t been able to get the ACT or SAT taken thanks to numerous cancellations. She was hoping to take the ACT over this summer but it just didn’t happen - so she decided to go for it an apply to both schools without and rest on her GPA, AP classed taken, NHS membership, essays, recs, and expanded resume. So now, we’re just waiting. She did get accepted to her backup school: TTU. Great school in its own right but she’s holding out for TAMU and UT. If I’m being honest, I think she has TAMU ranked as her first choice followed by UT. I’ll be happy with either but secretly I’m hoping for that UT acceptance. We’ll see…

@ChillyCow Mine got that CNS zoom invite also, but hasn’t submitted anything yet except scores (35 ACT), and maybe the transcript has gotten there, but I’m not sure how targeted it is.

Here’s a general question-- if OOS and only applying to Common app schools otherwise, do you all recommend Texas App or Coalition App to apply? I don’t think the Coalition app would be used for any other schools, so I’m just wondering which one is more manageable.