UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

They hire away football and basketball coaches so they can hire away competent CS professors. It’s not like Austin is a terrible place to live. Expensive yes, but nice. Turning away people with mid-1500 SATs, leadership and all As in state is insane.


Opportunity to get a degree from UT Austin. First year he goes to another campus (paying their prices :slight_smile: and keeps up his grades. After that he can transfer into UT Austin. Think about the end game. First year is usually all about basic classes anyway. Get them done at another campus and then transfer into Austin. My son had PACE his freshman year and the COVID hit. Stayed home his sophomore year. Junior now he is on campus and thriving! Think about the endgame.


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My God !!!

Ok capped here. I take the year for cap and then reapply to the college I want to get into…I’m denied again then what? I’m stuck in the liberal arts college and l lose a whole year. Is that how it works?

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I am so sorry.

Unreal !!! And scary for parents of future classes.

Mostly rejections today?


What college do you want to get into?

I am a 1995 Longhorn B.S. Chemical Engineering graduate. I didn’t get in freshman year. Went to Stephen F. Austin. Had a great time and great experience there making great friends. Transferred into UT Junior year. So glad I did because going to and Graduating from UT Austin was transformative for me. However, there are a LOT of amazing, wonderful schools in Texas and I hope those who didn’t get the news they wanted tonight applied to some of them and are maybe already accepted. My daughter is waiting to find out. She got into 4 other Texas schools that my husband and I will be thrilled to see her attend. They are all good. Unfortunately we are OOS now but are thrilled she will be making her way to Texas whether it is at UT or not… Stay Positive everyone!


The reason we are not going to do cap is because 50% of the college experience is social in my opinion. If my kid goes to a school like UT San Antonio freshman year and then transfers into UT Austin, it will be nearly impossible to make friends and fit in sophomore year. Plus my kid has already been direct admitted into some other good business schools. If my kid did cap they are only guaranteed liberal arts at UT Austin, not business. I have a masters degree from ut austin and it’s a great school, but cap isn’t something we want to do.


College of kinesiology


Rejected for CS OOS. 1570 SS SAT, 35 SS ACT, 2/226, GPA: 4.0uw/4.5w

I was expecting it given UT Austin’s OOS selectivity and not applying by the priority deadline. Congrats to all who got accepted!

Unreal !!!

Our thoughts as well.

Rejected OOS Business
UW 3.719 GPA
9 AP’s
ACT 31
Very strong extracurriculars thought would carry

That’s in the college of Education, right? Kinesiology and Health Education | College of Education | UT Austin |

Here is the page to research requirements for internal transfers. https://education.utexas.edu/students/how-appl. I haven’t heard how competitive it is to transfer into that college and program. I’ll try to do research for you.

From what I know and understand I think that a CAP student would have a good chance of transferring into that college/program.

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It is their loss. I’ve seen many in state UT CS folks get turned away only to get accepted to the likes of MIT and Caltech.


Thank you so much. I would appreciate that.

Computational Engineering major

Don’t think so. Want the whole experience. Other schools will provide that. Respect the offer, but no.

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