UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

We are also waiting on Honors. Son admitted on Nov 17th with first choice major (IR&GS) still waiting on Honors - Plan2. Top academics, #1 ranked LD debater in state/country, veru good Essays, many ECs, 2 internships and 2 jobs (as debate coach) during senior year - still waiting!


Aiming for USC or UCLA at this point. Still waiting for the Rice decision but if UT rejected him for CS, not holding my breath for Rice.

Wanted him in Texas not Cali! :frowning:


Here is the general Internal Transfer webpage. Internal Transfer for Current Students | Undergraduate Admissions | The University of Texas at Austin

The one I sent before was specific to the College of Education

Iā€™m continuing research for you.

Yes, but CAP is a big risk. If he is unable to get back into CS at Austin then he will have to continue 4 yrs at UTSAā€¦he is not thrilled about it. Hopefully TAMU will come to rescue :crossed_fingers:

It is a competitive major and Cali schools are fine. Texas will be here 4 years later when it comes time for employment!

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My son 1480 top 2% going for cs good riddance UT! Born and raised Texan family been Texas for 60 years! Gig em!!!


Yes, it is a risk for CS. If the transfer didnā€™t work out he could transfer to another school, even TAMU at that time. I have two neighbors who transferred to TAMU sophomore year. They are thriving and loving it. One is in the Corps.

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Typo: GPA3.0->3.9

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What is CS?

Also, be aware that there is a Health and Society major in COLA. Not sure that this is what you would want, but wanted to make sure you knew about it.

We are now wondering if plan 2 will come out today!

OOS rejected with 35 and 1560, 4.0, 4 yr sports, lots of volunteering, and elected school positions. Looks like it will be Vanderbilt or Tulane. Good luck to others.


Just found out dd got CAP even though she has higher stats than her brother who got into McCombs a few years ago. She will be disappointed that he beat her at something, lol, but she thankfully did not have her heart set on UT. She has some really good options that should fit her well.

Computer Science. It, along with Engineering and Business are very hard to transfer into.

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OOS (Northern VA) rejected: 1540sat/4.41w/3.89uw, IB Diploma, 2 varsity letters and other solid ECs. Kind of surprisedā€“considered it a safety/match.

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Iā€™ve heard that Honors decisions come out through February.

Rejected for what major/majors?

Since when was applying to UT out of state a safety.


I think this is right for honors programs affiliated with another college, but Plan 2 has the ā€œby Feb 1ā€ date. Itā€™s a major in and of itself.

If you decided to do CAP, decide sooner than later. UT San Antonio and UT Arlington fill up very quickly. Probably all spots for those two schools will be gone in a week. Are you in Texas or OOS? I donā€™t remember what you posted.

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