UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

My daughter’s friend applied Regular too. Maybe early notification depends on the major.

Oh thank you very much. We knew enough at least to know going in that Chapman (and UT for that matter) would be a big reach. We are out of state so UT seemed especially unlikely for her.

She has not allowed herself to fall in love with a program or decide in her heart where she had to go. The acceptance rates at these places are too low for that.

Still haven’t either. What did you apply?

Our family took the same approach. My DD is a non-auto admit. So, her admission chances were about the same as an OOS. UT-Austin has been her dream school for years. We are beyond thrilled and grateful.

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We always placed value on our son’s athletic experience because he thrives on the field and competition feeds his soul. I was hopeful being a 3 sport varsity athlete, musician, and still #1 in his class with outstanding scores and high rigor classes would show that he is not only qualified but also had strengths in multiple areas, not just CS. Apparently, that is of little value to the UT admissions crew.

He is a well rounded, amazing young man who will go far! Just sad that his 1st choice didn’t see it that way! Best of luck to all who were admitted!


Has anyone hear response for Turing program ? From last year’s post, they found out at 2/1

Sounds like any school will be lucky to have your son! I’m so sorry that UT did not accept him since that was his #1 choice. There is still hope for Rice (we are Owl alums) and him to land in TX!

You’ve got a great kid and he’s got a wonderful future ahead of him. I hope that he knows that deep in his bones, and that this doesn’t change that for him!

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The university sponsored FB page is “Texas Parents-The Parents Association for the University of Texas at Austin”, but you must be a supporting (paid) member of the Texas Parents Assoc. in order to join.

There is an unofficial page “University of Texas at Austin Class of 2026 - Parents”.

Another good FB page is “SafeHorns”, which deals with safety and security issues on and around campus.

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Thank you very much!

My son got CAP’d - is there any possibility that he could get business mccombs through CAP - want to assess his realistic chances - any insight would be appreciated

Was he captain of any sports teams or have other significant leadership? I’ve seen two sport captains get in with lower stats. Not engineering or CS. One was CC and track captain with engineering but she was also recruited to run at Penn.

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Yes, captain in cross country and baseball. It’s really incredible how competitive CS is.

Thank you so much! I’m hoping for Rice! :owl:

For Plan II applicants who have already received their major, does Plan II still show up under the right-hand panel entitled, " Freshman admission application" and “major?” Mine just says Business. Am I rejected? For those who have received your major and still awaiting Plan II, is yours like this?

Yes, there is a possibility. But it is not a probability. Student needs to have a very high GPA to be considered. 3.88 GPA was the average this fall.

Here is the McCombs internal transfer webpage. Internal Transfer | McCombs School of Business

Here is the details about recommended CAP courses if studying at UTSA.

UT Austin McCombs School of Business recommended courses
Note: admission to Business requires completion of ECO 2013+2023 and
MAT 1214+1224 or 1193+1224.


  • MAT 1214+1224 or 1193+1224.
    Add MAT 2214 for the Science & Technology Management major.

Science & Technology – for the Science & Technology Management major:
CHE 1103 and
PHY 1943+1963+1951+1971.

Social Science
– ECO 2013+2023.

Foreign Language – for International Business: intermediate proficiency in a
language associated with the world region in which the student plans to specialize.

CAP course crosswalk for all locations

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PACE is a fantastic program! My son did that his freshman year and now is a Junior in Advertising at Moody. You and your daughter are going to love it. We wish that it was a 2 year program like A&M’s version, but it is only for one. Your daughter will get so much out of this!

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Still looks the same. The right hand panel just says the major and nothing about plan 2. Under the honors tab, it says that the plan 2 application is still under review.

Hopefully tomorrow!

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Thanks for the information. Yes it is going to be a long shot but might be worth taking the chance

I know many students who have done well with the CAP process at UT and the similar option with A&M. Think about the end game and work hard. I would tell my student that it is worth taking the chance. (My first student went through the PACE program at UT and is now a junior at Moody College of Communication. The alternative ways of getting through actually have benefit.

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Non-AA, in-state applicant. 1500 SAT, 33 ACT, 3.95 GPA (unweighted), solid extracurriculars, prestigious private hs. Cap’d from Liberal Arts.