UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Congratulations to her! Hope to meet her if we both enroll. :slight_smile:

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When were you admitted to the university? Was that today as well? Thanks and congrats!

Congratulations. Ours doesn’t show anything. We have met priority deadline. Hope to hear one way or another by tomorrow.

I know some of my friends have gotten rejections, so the fact you have not heard anything is not indicative of rejection. Good luck!!! College admissions is so random.

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Thank you. Yes it is.

Anything from anyone about BHP today?

@lukemlr Did you do the interview for BHP and did you apply before Nov 1?

Were you admitted to the university today? Or already was and found out honors today?

In my daughter’s case: admitted to engineering in December and admitted to plan 2 today.

Yes and yes.

Found out for Business mid-Jan. Plan II today. Waiting on BHP. Already had interview.

Still waiting on COLA decision. I met the November deadline, so should hear something tonight or tomorrow. Anyone else, in this boat?

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I got CAP’d. 4.0 GPA (gpa went up since), 3 yr varsity power lifter, made a start up thru DECA about drug abuse, tons of achievements, VP of 3 clubs, President of 1, volunteer hours, 22+ college credit hours, 4 AP’s, 3 letters of rec, 5 Dual Credit courses and 1 college credit course, mostly A+’s, top 10% of my class.

I also had job(s)

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I had a wonderful engineering education at UT back in the dark ages. It was such a great place to go to school. :slightly_smiling_face:


She can do both?

Congrats. I also got into Business late-Jan. On the Honors tab, under View Details for the BHP do you see Interview as a required item or just see Resume, Application, and Recommendation as the three items? I know the interview seems to be mandatory for BHP. I will know today.

Anyone just have a change today (specifically under Polymathic Scholars) from “We’re reviewing your…” to “We’re still reviewing your application for…”?

I just noticed the change this morning, and under Polymathic it says it may take until March now for the decision given the increased number of applicants.

Does this have any bearing on Turing Scholars, do you think, or are they just separate? Anyone in past years see this change shortly before release of decisions for a different honors program? Hoping this indicates that Turing Scholars might come out today.

Sorry, should’ve specified that before this, when it said “We’re reviewing your”, it indicated that I had met the Priority deadline, implying decisions would come out by then. I guess the change is just to notify me that Polymathic won’t come out by that deadline after all.

Have the same change to my Polymathic status as well.