UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

I am not sure all decisions have been made, so let’s not lose hope just yet!


Plenty of acceptances come out right at 2/28. Hold out hope!


Rejected from Deans Scholars today

Folks - new to this forum - so apologize if these are dumb questions:-

My Daughter a current Junior, is hoping to apply to a few UT schools with MIS (BBA) or CS major. She currently has a SAT of 1470 and a weighted GPA of 4.4 and is hovering around top 10% but not there yet. She may make it to top 10% by end of next 9 week, but not sure yet. She is working towards gettting a SAT score to around 1510 plus. She has more than 12 to 14 APs, member and founder of clubs, several hours (more than 150 hours) of voluntary services etc.

Questions that I have are:-

  1. Do we just applytotexas application once, and application gets routed to different schools like UT Austin, UT A & M, UT Dallas etc, or do we appply individually to each of these schools? If there is a place I could go and read any overview of the process, that would be very helpful.
  2. Given her Stats (I know they are not the most stellar) what should she be aiming for in terms of schools here in UT? I understand UT Austin MIS / CS most likely may not happen. But she may more likely get A &M, Dallas? Any other schools?
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For 1), in Apply Texas, you fill out general information first, then answer specific school questions. (e.g. UTD doesn’t require essay)

For 2) Still apply UT. TAMU very high chance if top 10%. UTD top 10% and high SAT will have higher chance getting scholarships.
TAMU and UTD have honors in Business and computer science, in fact UTD CS2 honor (go search it) is very prestigious. Both TAMU and UTD CS2 are also competitive.
UT is not accepting stellar students all the time, they are looking for unique, genuine and special students. Typical ECs are less effective for UT application so tying meaningful ECs with the essay is important.
Other schools in Texas, try applying Rice ED. They will make financial work if they accept the student.

Apply early. Start writing essays in June, get recommendation letters early. UT admission to major takes time but nice to have options before winter break.

If you consider out of state, U of Michigan (at times easier than UT nowadays), UIUC and Purdue are good options in line with your daughter’s stats.

Good Luck!


Just a reminder that UT is top 6% and they don’t round up.

Apply Texas and the Common Application use a similar format. All general information that is sent with all the application is filled out. Then she would start applications to each school she wants to apply to and answer any university specific questions or address additional essay prompts.

My recommendation is that she get an Apply Texas account as soon as it opens. That way you both have plenty of time to see what is required and enter all the information. I’d page through all the information first so you don’t add a job into the extracurricular space only to find out there is a separate section for employment. Entering all the required information is a tedious process and may require searches for required details. (I’d do the same for the Common App if she’ll be applying to schools that use it.)

Your daughter is a strong college applicant. Good luck to her!

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Has UT sent out any rejections for CBHP? Or does that happen all on March1?

Decisions are out!

i have no updated decision on portal and email

Regular or honors?

RD, i got an email saying my portal was updated

they posted on their twitter that decisions were out on the 16th

I have USPS informed delivery on, and there was a letter from Admissions that never arrived today. Did anyone else receive the letter and could tell me what it is? Thanks

I got one from admissions today, it was just a one page letter telling me they hoped I would attend UT in the fall

thank you!

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We got our package late last week… welcome letter, invitation to a COE lunch and learn, poster of the tower, and longhorn cutout.

We received all that too yesterday except the COE lunch invitation.
My son will be touring and attending a COE Info session next month. So exciting!

has anyone heard back from ECE honors

Not heard anything .my son applied for ECE

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Hi! Did anyone who appealed hear back yet?

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