UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

For business it’s Michigan, UNC and UVA for Wall Street. UT is close, especially for Southwest jobs.


How about CS?

Straight up: public peers are Illinois, GaTech, Washington and Berkeley. Purdue, Michigan and UCLA are quite strong. Florida seems solid too.

Turing may only compete with Berkeley for jobs and no competition for experience.


Fun fact is that Washington has some ridiculously low admit rate for OOS CS. When we looked it up it was around 3% The joke on their campus is that OOS CS folks are unicorns!


UT Austin CS is ranked higher than Michigan, UCLA and much higher than Purdue and Florida.

Do you mean college experience here? I heard students at UCB has problems in registrations in CS classes, but at Turing you are guaranteed with lower division classes in your major with a small class size. Could you elaborate what you mean?

Yes, a smaller group versus 1000 people in an intro CS class.

I bet Michigan CS and maybe LA have similar student profiles. Purdue also turns down plenty of 1500+ SAT applicants.

That is true according to US News, but there is so much more to rankings than their methodology. In my son’s view, he puts UT Turing far above UC Berkeley due to qualities that mean more to him. He also ranked UMass a lot higher than US News (#31) as they are getting a lot of funding that some school ranked higher don’t get.

US News is a starting point, but I feel students should do their own research and rank schools based on qualities they see as most important.


No idea. But I just found out that there is a Turing 2026 thread in CC.

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Both UCLA and UT Austin are tied at 10th rank for best undergraduate computer science.

That largely due to research funding, updated class content and equipment.

But the most important is graduating top 10% in these schools to be desirable for recruitment.

More than half of these top public college CS students graduates end up not working in CS related fields.

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Even colleges rank students by GPA like most public high school? Where else can a CS student work for a non-cs related fields?

A friend’s kid at a “top University” has software development offers at Capital One and PWC.

Colleges don’t rank but recruiters know what GPAs, internships or research experiences make students elite.

Any idea when UT is coming today with honors decisions?

By 7pm today most likely. I’m guessing if we haven’t heard back by now it’s probably a rejection. Unlucky but whatever

Colleges do show top rank students by honor (highest/higher/high) or (cum laude) and they do distinguish them during graduation.

Of course recruiters know where the GPA stands.

If CS students have lower than 3.0 GPA, that is a clear sign that those students struggle in some Junior and Senior classes, many CS difficult classes are project oriented and it is a matter of completing a project or not. So these students are most likely not going to be in “direct” CS fields. Unlike CS and software engineering a few decades ago, companies nowadays have very low tolerance on slow learning new hire. Thus even though millions of CS graduates every year, only a limited numbers really get into the field.

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applied honors by priority

didn’t receive decision on feb 1st

didnt receive decision on march 1st

ut what is your problem

Your admissions decisions, or just you honors decision?

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S22 got into UT CS, OOS. Is it easy to get internship the first year?

Our portal still maintains that honors results will be announced by March 1st but we haven’t heard anything. Based on previous years trends is this to be expected?