UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Cool. Which part of the state?

NW Houston


My son got acceptance to CS in the middle of Dec and Turing letter mailed to home recently. Out of State


Congratulations, that is indeed very exciting! Did he go through an interview or did they just send out an acceptance? Thanks

Congratulations! It is good to see some activity in the competitive majors.

any chance for a major wave this or next week? cs auto-admit here


what kind stats could get into CS?
Asian male, DFW suburban public school, ranking 1/437, SAT 1560, Math Sub 800, among APs, a few school clubs president, no major awards and/or ECs, what will be the chance?

You stat is good, having AP CSA and CSP will be beneficial. Unless you tank your essays or apply late you should be in last year already.

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has anyone from oos recieved decision from mccombs?

he should take AP CSA and CSP as well all AP physics and math. He submitted late November.

Stats are good enough even for higher ranked programs. UT is emphasizing fit to major so they can expect students to enroll and finish without changing majors. If you have CS courses in your transcript that will make up for ECs. If you apply without demonstrated interest in CS, then it may be more challenging even with good stats.

Great and should be no problem!

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Anyone here admitted for Mechanical Engineering yet? If so, what are your stats? DS applied back in September, not auto-admit. Graduating from a competitive high school in Austin that does not rank outside of top 10%. DS is in the top quarter, per his percentile certificate. 1500 on SAT split evenly with reading and math, 3.91 unweighted GPA, 5.23 weighted GPA, 20 hours of Dual Credit at Austin Community College (all A’s), AP Calc AB, AP Physics, AP Physics C, AP World History, AP US History, and AP Government. All AP exams scores to date are 4 or 5. President of Aerospace Club, double Varsity sports (football and wrestling), 5 engineering classes (demonstrated interest), nearly 200 hours of community service, part-time job (20-25 hours per week), National Merit Commended Scholar, and College Board National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar. Already accepted into Texas A&M Engineering and University Honors programs. The wait for UT is killing me! What do you think his chances are?

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Did anyone who already got major admission also received ADVi robot message?

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My nephew received a message saying that he is one of the few selected applicants encouraged to apply to the Forty Acres Scholars program (even though it is past the deadline). Does this mean he’s been accepted to UT Austin? Or is this a message sent out to the general body?

Wow congrats oos CS and Turing. May I ask when he applied?

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Thanks. It’s tough waiting!

IIRC there were a few people on last year’s thread who I think were offered the scholarship but were not actually admitted. I’m really, really old though so my mind may be failing me. You can go back and comb through if you want. People were wondering how that could be and someone said that it’s because there are 2 different groups reviewing the applications, one (alumni) do 40 acres and the admissions people do the application to the university.


These days I take what is discussed here with a biggest grain of salt.


My in-state, non-auto Moody daughter (UT Class of 2024) heard on January 24, 2020. Top 7% competitive Dallas HS. She was the Covid class so did have test scores (just not prom or graduation ;).