UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Yes. It happens every year.

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Anyone can apply for the Forty Acres. The deadline was Dec 1st. Is this a follow up to him applying and when was he notified? Thanks

what is her major?

UT weighs heavily on rank which may be the main reason for the wait. UT also uses special metrics to evaluate ECs. The wait should be over in 2-3 weeks.


He actually never applied to the scholarshipā€¦the message was encouraging him to apply ā€¦

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Ok. Thatā€™s different. Thanks

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Honestly. When it comes to non-auto admits, itā€™s literally a mystery. Thatā€™s been my conclusion when hearing stories from my friendā€™s kids. I know Eagle Scouts with 1590s who were not auto admit, and they did not get in. Then I hear about kids with 1380s from the middle of nowhere who do. Sorry Iā€™m not much help. I just donā€™t think thereā€™s a formula for non-autos.


Rank 1 here out of 700+. No word yet on my major, CS.

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Have any auto admits heard back about McCombs?



It is indeed very unusual for valedictorian getting news this late. Most should already be in Turing and CSB discussions.
An important but rare situation happened in the past would be the essay giving reviewers impression UT not being applicantsā€™ destination.
My son attended the beALonghorn virtual session last year the counselor specifically gave us a hint "for highly accomplished students (Top 1%, NMFā€¦) It is important to show interest on essay to some degree almost saying ā€œI will enroll if I am acceptedā€¦ā€ Not saying your sonā€™s essay is not serious about that but it is just reviewerā€™s impression.
Hope you get good news and the wait should be over in two more weeks as priority would get news by end of January.


If I were to venture a guess, it looks like UT made an assumption on students that could get admission to Ivy League schools and targeted them in Nov/Dec. I did not apply Ivy in ED or EA because I chose REA for Stanford. Got deferred by Stanford. I did however apply Ivy schools RD because Iā€™ve not hear back from UT. My holidays were ruined for sure with so many essays and applications.


My daughter ranks 2/678, 1550 SAT and applied to CS. She is still under review. It is extremely frustrated.

No interview. Just received a mail sent out to our home by Dr. Lin.

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He sent in his application very early (around mid Oct.), got admission on Dec. 15, the turing letter was postmarked Dec. 29, though the date Dr. Lin wrote on the letter was Dec. 18 or 19?

Do you mind sharing your sonā€™s stats?

This sounds like yield protection. Does UT-Austin engage in this practice? Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve ever heard of a public university doing that.


My son is ranked top 1% from a competitive high school so was auto-admit to UT. Heā€™s a NMSF and has also already been admitted to A&M honors engineering. He applied for mechanical engineering at UT and is still under review for his major. I canā€™t imagine what is taking them so long!

Isnā€™t A&M engineering at least twice as large as UT, including the satellite and academy entry points?