UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Oh I didn’t mean to say that the UT Director of Admissions personally stopped by to tell them that of course:). He or she was there and was asked by one of the counselors about when decisions would be released.

Which part of Texas? We live in greater Houston and it has been pin drop silent.

Sent you a PM.

There is a common theme with my friends and extended circle.
Texas A&M engineering acceptance late Oct 2021, MIT deferral mid Dec 2021, CWRU deferral late Dec 2021. And waiting for UT major.

@spc just curious, what was it about CWRU that you found attractive? I did not apply there since there was nothing that stood out for me, but clearly it appears to be an attractive alternative to Tx students.

Will message you

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Why did they stop by the school?

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Which forum?

I asked my daughter and she said counselor didn’t tell her why. Throughout the school year, the school would have admissions directors from various colleges come and speak to them and us about their schools and the college application process . I remember attending one with admissions director from UChicago and Bowdoin College a couple of years ago.


Will they look at my first year semester grades. Or no?

Admission no.
Appeal, honor or scholarship in rare situations may.



Has anyone received an interview or been accepted to the CSB program? If you have, did you apply with Business or Computer Science as your first major? Also, if you were interviewed or admitted, could you share your stats?

Have not heard anything, applied with CS as the first major.

Assuming you already addressed the Texas CSB prompt in Apply Texas. The default way is applying Unspecified Business as first and CS second, with interest in honors. Then CSB prompt question will show.

Successful candidates are considered in Canfield Business Honor with CS classes.

From work experience point of view, companies still prefer students with full CS degree then pursue MBA with an area of expertise but that’s for another forum discussion.


I have not heard anything from CSB, I applied CS 1st and business 2nd and also applied for Turing scholar and I have not heard back from either.

Ye I also did the same and haven’t heard back for either. In past years as well, I’ve heard of most CSB kids being business first major

My son did the same. In state auto admit and valedictorian. Still waiting to see if he got into CS. Applied in early to mid October. We’ve obviously not heard anything on Turing or CSB.

ahhhh yep we have very similar situations, auto, val, and waiting (impatiently lol)

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That’s unfortunate if true, part of the reason I applied UT was for the CSB program, I wish there would’ve been more information on the partiality for business majors :confused: