UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

computer science :confused: my mystatus changed suddenly but went back to normal but then I noticed that my ris major changed

If you see RIS changed to a specific college and major, that is pretty final decision.

same. my status changed completely and then went back to normal but I still have BAD DATA

Thank you. Fingers crossed!

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Maybe this means another wave today?

damn, i probably got rejected then

Sending you positive vibes! Fingers crossed for you!


how did your status change? Just curious.

Has anyone heard from Polymathic Scholars or Plan II? Just curious.

Where does one see RIS and major?

It usually says “Congratulations, you have been automatically admitted to UT Austin. We are still reviewing for your major.” but when I checked at 2 PM it was gone and it only said “your application is complete. keep checking for a status update.”

I was really nervous but it changed back pretty fast.

My RIS is still BAD DATA

Does all this indicate the possibility of another wave today? They do occasionally send out on Wednesdays.

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On your my status page, click on the little White House in the top right corner. Scroll down to Registration Information Sheet. It is under “Popular Student Links.” Choose semester: Fall 2022. Scroll down to the middle of the page under Advising Information.

You are auto?


Maybe you’ll get your major soon??? Fingers crossed for you.

I hope so, I applied to McCombs Thankss!

As I recall, last year, a bunch of McCombs acceptances came late Jan. So, it is too soon to worry!

Does your CASH say you owe $200? Just curious. Mine doesn’t.

Does your CASH say you owe $200? Just curious. Mine doesn’t