UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Can’t wait to do this all over again next Friday :upside_down_face:


Better next Friday than Feb 1 I think :grimacing:

:joy: True enough!

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I can’t believe kids with high stats got rejected. It’s kinda scaring me

I’m so sorry to the people who got denied. Much love to you, you’ll find your way I promise.


There is absolutely no rhyme or reason so I wouldn’t put too much importance on my son not getting in with stellar stats. His classmates who are ranked lower then him with lower SAT scores got in.

He dashed this off before proofreading it because it doesn’t completely make sense as written. For example, “Uncharacteristically, UT has rejected some auto admits of their first choice major.” What does this even mean? Some AAs don’t get their first choice major every year, and last year it happened this same Friday. I have no idea what he’s talking about.

“This is the first time I can recall UT rejecting students prior to the main wave that comes at the end of January.” Is this a reference to non-AAs getting rejected? If so, I haven’t seen any of that mentioned on public fora, but maybe he has clients this happened to? And if it’s a reference to AAs not getting their requested major, again, that’s nothing new.

You are right. This happened same time last year. I think he even mentioned it somewhere in his own website that basically AAs got decisions on their major before the final Friday of January. Maybe the only difference is that not all AAs were told this wave. So the news is forthcoming next week I guess.

Hoping this is the case! Idk if it is safe to assume if we didn’t get rejected today we wont next Friday. I hope this means autos in state who are still waiting for first major got in. Trying to stay hopeful

I believe he’s referring to how UT traditionally do not let AAs who don’t get their first choice major know until the final wave at the end of Jan. If you look at last year’s CC thread, many AAs who were denied their first choice and ended up getting COLA - UG major found out on Jan 31.

What an amazing opportunity! That is a great scholarship!

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Actually go look again at last year’s CC thread. At 6 p.m. on Saturday, January 23 a wave of AA major-choice denials came. So they were effectively one day earlier this year. He’s mis-remembering.

How likely is another wave before Feb 1st? For priority decisions for autos

Can someone explain how COLA undeclared works? How do I choose econ as my major?

Seems like you’d have a great shot at Michigan or Virginia with those stats.

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Just curious as I couldn’t tell from my the thread last year, did all auto admits that remained after the cycle of placing them in second majors or COLA get their majors the following wave? What happens to those AAs that heard nothing yesterday and are still waiting?

My son is in the same boat as yours; his gpa and test scores are stellar and he had his hopes pinned on UT. He did get his first choice major at UT (mechanical engineering), but is still under review for honors and was passed over for Forty Acres. In the meantime, he’s being actively recruited by A&M and was also offered the Brown scholarship. UT’s loss is A&M’s gain!


My older son, sophomore engineering major at UT wasn’t informed about honors until mid February 2020. He missed the Forty Acres deadline but had checked honors engineering. He too was offered Brown scholarship but declined due to being offered 25% more $ with the Cockrell engineering full ride scholarship. That was a good shock as he didn’t write an essay or anything else, just honors application. This one was not a good shock as his stats were even better then his brothers. Hope your son will get into honors and receive $ as well!

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UT will let students know whether auto or non auto on acceptance to the school first THEN if applying for Honors , a separate decision at a later date.

Thank you. Wow, the engineering scholarship sounds amazing. I think the engineering programs at both UT and A&M are amazing. Both have incredible facilities. I hope both of our incoming freshmen land where they will thrive and be happy!