UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Perhaps there may be a large wave next Friday as it seems a large one hasn’t been processed.


I have read his posts and find Texas Admissions guy to a be to be a prophetic news reporter. He always claims to have inside info, but his blogs are rehash of what has already happened. It is probably an effective marketing strategy to draw clients, but I do not know if his success rate is any better than the others.


Don’t think anyone including him can predict what admissions do. In my experience, Georgia Tech and MIT are the only ones that are transparent.

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True! However, consultants charge exorbitant amounts for their services (my parents absolutely refused to pay for any consultant :)) but how many of them are really bringing any expertise to the game?

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Indeed. I’m finding his info to be half baked and sometimes outdated. I also think he has a tendency to “inflate” competitiveness of some schools and majors but he is ultimately trying to earn a living, lol. One CS guy he interviewed on his YouTube channel said people got into Turing with 33 ACTs and barely cracking top 6% of the class. He also tells people don’t bother transferring into CS as odds are slim, but I know 2 people that did it successfully recently.

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True. And he only accept to work with auto admit students lol which they are already admitted to UT. And claims he helps student to get into UT :joy:
Getting to top major is another thing. But as far as getting to UT as long as you are top 6% you are in.


Wow. Seeing all the posts above about rejections and second majors has me wondering what my hook was to be accepted into CS. My peers with same stats did not get in but I do not know about their activities, essays, and rec letters.

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Last year he worked with a friend’s kid who was non auto. Was CAPd to UT but had hopes our gaining admittance. Attends OOS top public.


It’s a long thread, relatively much longer than this year’s (which is interesting, but I don’t know what to make of it), but I’d refer you back to last year’s thread. My recollection is that there weren’t any more waves of AAs getting first choice majors after this time last year, specifically Saturday, Jan 23. I could be wrong about that, but that’s what I recall from having reviewed the thread previously. “Next week” is when non-AA and OOS got their wave.

I’ll give the benefit of the doubt to the texasadmissions guy, but I suspect some of his posting his intended to mollify unhappy clients. He’s attempting to redirect their disappointment from him to UT for doing something “unprecedented,” which isn’t really unprecedented at all.

(I also found some of his commentary about A&M to be silly. Sure, it’s a little easier to get directly into A&M with major, but their admission process is worlds better and more efficient than UT’s. Effectively, they tell applicants, apply early or your major might fill up. Then they accept qualified applications as their applications roll in. UT engages in way too much navel gazing . . . IMO.)


It’s just A Business.


interestingly, the acceptance rate for non-auto people is very low.


And more so for OOS!

Yap so far it’s not proven to be a good system

I would be very interested in seeing data on how many autos actually get their majors. What’s their acceptance rate? What’s the yield rate for autos? Because I know that if I don’t get my major, I’m not going to attend UT as an undeclared undergraduate major. It is interesting that that’s never posted anywhere. It provides a false sense of confidence and security to the autos bc they think they’re all set.


Acceptance Rate is only 7%? (2300+1700)/57200 ?

I heard from our HS counselor that it is around 60% after appeals but I can’t confirm accuracy.

US News shows 32%

US News shows a higher rate as there are several auto-admits.

It’s weird how all of this works out because I’m getting wooed EVERYWHERE but TAMU hasn’t offered me crap, other than my major. Why would I go for “general engineering” when I’m getting direct admit to my major, honors, and money everywhere else? I don’t get it. And then there’s that kid on here that got Brown scholarship from TAMU and rejected at UT…what is going on on Texas? Haha

“This is the first time I can recall UT rejecting students prior to the main wave that comes at the end of January”. Yet, in his own blog post under Process, Statistics, and Appeals for last year he writes: "UT-Austin has released their primary wave of rejections on Monday, February 1 starting around 6pm for non top 6% and OOS applicants auto admit Texas residents. Top 6% applicants not admitted to their first or second choice major received word on the previous weekend".