UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

It seems the reality is different
These days we have to look at everything with a grain of salt

I kept reading it and thought maybe he meant some OOS students were rejected last night 
 but I cannot recall if any OOS students reported that happening?

It sounds like he meant OOS and non Auto Admit got rejections on Feb 1. The big wave a few days prior to that had acceptances for OOS and non autos. Sounds like they wrapped up majority of auto admit approvals and “soft rejection” earlier than that, with soft rejections being the previous weekend (i.e. the equivalent of this weekend). The wild card this year is that there are many autos who have yet to hear back.


My Texas auto admit son was denied his first and second choices, natural sciences and business. He is class valedictorian with 98% SAT. Awards, honors, etc. I have come to the conclusion that they have so many good kids applying, that they have to literally do a lottery. I’m not convinced merit or numbers are 100% at play anymore.


Valedictorian doesn’t mean #1 in some schools, e.g. Houston Memorial High School has 20+ Valedictorians in every class.

might be a stupid question, but does everybody get the financial aid email from ask@finaid.utexas.edu after they submit their fafsa to UT?

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I did

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Me too

The OOS number is very low because the state of Texas prioritizes Texas students. They want educate their own. Many states do that. The non-auto number is very low because of the auto-admit top 6% filling most of their enrollment. UT is the top university in the state of Texas, you would expect the auto-admits to want in to the top school in their state.

Exactly. I don’t understand how such a large state can have such few top universities. It is ridiculous. That’s why so many kids apply and attend a few schools in Texas.

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So is it gonna be the 28 or 1st for OOS

And I actually do appreciate Texas prioritizing their own students. Texans pay taxes for that after all. It is great that other states do too. It’s just a bummer for us from California because our schools do not prioritize CA students. It is supposed to get better, possibly even this year. Fingers crossed for that.


It makes no sense to say that next Friday will be just OOS and non autos acceptances because so many autos who didn’t get soft rejections yesterday haven’t heard back. Idk how to take the fact that I haven’t gotten rejected but I haven’t gotten accepted either. Last year, on the 2025 CC thread, after this weekend, rejections came for autos, but this year they did it early. What could this mean? Is Feb 1st doomsday? Is next Friday my saving grace? This process is so bad overall. I want it to be over.


My understanding is that Autos last year were soft rejected the equivalent of this weekend. This is consistent with the wave yesterday. Last year the remaining autos got accepted to their first choice major on Feb 1. After the large wave a few days earlier for OOS and non autos. It’s seems that there were a lot fewer remaining autos though than this year. UT has never had a big wave this year, so no telling what this means for remaining autos. Hang in there. Not being in the wave yesterday means you’re still in the running.

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That’s true, thanks. Hoping I do not have to wait until Feb 1st, but understanding that is better than rejection.

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Is it too late now to still get an interview request from CBHP?

My son with 1550 SAT, top 4%, followed CS pathway, Independent study in data science in Junior and Senior year, research internship during the summer, several clubs, PTSA Board member, national merit scholar semi-finalist, 15 APs, in-state auto admit still waiting for CS major. His first major is CS and 2nd is Electrical & Computer Eng. Not sure what’s going on.

I’m in the same boat but I’m a McCombs applicant. I think admissions fell behind and they’re still missing a good chunk of autos. If your son was not rejected yesterday, I’m sure he will get in soon. If not, UT really fumbled the bag this year letting go of top-tier applicants. It seems like really eligible candidates were rejected for reasons unknown. Sending good vibes to you and your family! Hook ‘em!


You still have a small window.

My S’n interview was in the last week of Dec. Not sure if anyone received CBHP decisions yet.

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