UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

So what I’m getting here, is if I’m a non auto with no decision… that’s a good thing?

? not sure how you came to this conclusion. most non-autos haven’t gotten decision yet

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I know a lot of non auto’s who were included in the last wave and were rejected rather than accepted :sweat_smile:

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Only 10-11% of non-autos get admission based on historical data. I do not believe we have seen a significant wave of acceptance/rejection.

Yeah, I was just saying- Thanks :sweat_smile: I know it’s slim, but we can hope

Plus the 13,700 auto admited = 30.9% overall
8% (1,700/21,220) OOS
10% (2,300/22,300) non-auto in state

But the in state holistic review is part of auto admissions. So confusing. Unless the auto already excludes the holistic review. A lot auto top 6% with top majors have too have the holistic review.

Plus the 13,700 auto admited = 30.9% overall
8% (1,700/21,220) OOS
10% (2,300/22,300) non-auto in state

These are the admitted numbers but at the end of the cycle they need to finished with 90% of the students from Texas accepting the offer.

A non-auto-admit-in-state student most likely will accept the offer. So, the percentage of the 2,300 that commit to UTAustin is higher. That is why they offered it only to their 10%. They may do a holistic review to make their decision.

For the auto admit, the top 1% will have attractive offers from other schools. So the top 1% that commits to UT Austin is lower.

They can control the percentages of the rest of the auto admit by not giving the selected majors (soft reject). If they don’t allow them to study what they won’t, they most likely will not commit to UT.

It is a numbers game. Since they went test optional, they have to re-calculate their formulas.

Last year (class of 2025) they started with 66,077 applicants and finished with 9,060 students (13.7%). Almost 60% are female. Around 8,035 in state, 800 out of state and 225 International.

Here is the student profile data for the 2025 class.



Interesting. This is the first I’ve heard of non autos being included in this past Friday’s wave.


OOS here. Anyone OOS receive their decision yet?? Or, are we in the final wave? GL!


I know non-autos that don’t get McCombs but get admitted to COLA and choose OOS top 50 privates. There are also top 1% folks that choose UT for Turing, BHP, Plan II, etc. UT knows the breakdowns.

The only signals I’m getting for CS in general, looking even beyond UT, is that the applicant pool is massive with so few seats. My S has friends that applied to other schools, and they’ve been recently deferred with perfect GPAs and 1550+ SAT scores at schools that aren’t historically as competitive as UT. Test optional has increased candidate pools across the board and CS is a popular major. Perhaps colleges learned from test optional last year and are taking their time to analyze the full candidate pool, but who knows? Hope you get good news soon.


I have not heard of any non-autos receiving any information on admission yet.

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OOS here. Still waiting to hear. :woman_facepalming:


Many (more than 40%) auto-admit will be granted the major they don’t want (COLA) as soft reject. Every year, many Engineering, McCombs even some Fine Arts hopefuls got this treatment so the effective rate for “auto” need to have a discount of 40-50%.

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Same with my son. What major? He is Cs. Getting nervous for him!

My son is a high achieving CS candidate and has only heard from one out of the 11 schools he has applied. It is so frustrating!

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Same here. My S got into UT CS thankfully and also Texas A&M, but got deferred for Stanford. We are waiting on other decisions to start rolling out next week. My kid’s friends all got deferred from Purdue CS with stellar credentials. I heard they jumped the gun last year and filled their CS class with EA folks. Then regretted it when they turned down seemingly stronger candidates in RD. Hence they are deferring many CS decisions. It is the same with UMass Amherst, where kids with stellar stats for CS are getting deferred. Schools are playing it safe. Last year was different.

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So if automatic admits are not getting into their first choice major (let’s say CS, for example), does that mean that CS is already full, filled with other, “better, more qualified” automatic admits? Do non-automatic admits ever get admitted to majors that other auto admits couldn’t get into?

no it does not mean its full. Last year, I know of several autos that did not get their majors and oos kids and non-autos (from our own school) who got the same major. Auto just gets you into UT…it doesn’t get you in a major…for those tough majors, they are competing with everyone else.