UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Have there been any BHP admits yet? (For those who know)

Hmm, where did you read that about Purdue?

That’s good to hear. That’s the way it ought to be I guess.

Not read. No school would ever publish such info. It comes verbally from a notable alum that has very strong ties to the powers that be at Purdue. You’ll notice that they didn’t close the applications for CS after EA like they did last year. We did some checking before we made the effort to apply to Purdue RD for CS. This pattern with CS deferrals is getting common by schools that were viewed as safeties in the past for people targeting top 15 programs.

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Ah. I didn’t apply to Purdue. And that theory sounds good because test optional has increased EA/ED to colleges, so understandable they want to see all applicants for their competitive majors.

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I actually like the they they tell people not to apply once they get full. They simply got full very quickly last year and turned people away that applied between EA and RD deadlines. Seems they regretted that move.

Sorry to discuss another school here but this reference is just for context on why CS decisions are so slow. Back to UT!

Thank you. I am glad to secure UT CS. Big relief.


Some non-auto students do get admitted to CS. Non-auto does not mean the kids ranked below 6%. Some public schools and most private schools do not rank their students at all.

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We are as well. Given the current state of admissions everywhere and the competitiveness of CS, we are grateful that my S was admitted to UT.

My S19 had all his classes in person last semester (an engineering and mathematics double major, so his classes are in multiple colleges). Maybe the large freshman classes were the ones UT preferred to hold virtually

I would assume that it’s because a non-auto on top 8% at a more rigorous school would gain the spot in X major if an auto at a less rigorous school. I understand the frustrations but it makes sense in order to get the best candidates possible.


Yeah I checked UT Naviance scattergram for my school since my school is kinda competitive, so there were lots of kids who got in with 1300s and 3.6 SAT. A&M was all green checkmarks with only 5 x marks. (Which means that acceptance rate can be different by the high school they attend) Like 60-70% of students at my school were accepted, and more than 90% were accepted to A&M. Which is good for me I guess.

*for a&m there were much more than 5 denied ppl but still like 85-90% lol

I dunno. I always thought holistic admissions were based on making the most of the school you attend and resources you have. Some folks can’t help which school their kids are zoned to.

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(considering most were non autos)

 kinda unfortunate especially for ppl who don’t have enough money to move to a different area.

My point is that schools factor that into decisions. Likely UT as well. Ivy League and schools like MIT sure do consider your school environment and whether or not you made the most of your surroundings.

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um ok. thanks for clarifying. :slight_smile:

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All Texas public high schools are required to rank the top 10% and therefore also rank the top 6%.

All but the very most competitive private schools likely rank the top 10% so those kids get auto admit to Texas public universities with UT-Austin at 6%.

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It is but they didn’t give him that either. They gave him undeclared major