UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Architecture acceptance: homeschooler, in-state, priority deadline. Good luck for everyone Friday night!


Has anyone heard from Polymathic Scholars or Plan II?


mccombs acceptance-in-state non-auto!! good luck everyone on friday!!


@ava100 Mind sharing his stats? Homeschooler here too waiting to hear and am shocked we havenā€™t heard anything about COLA- History.

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@ava100 CONGRATS BTW :slight_smile:

Of course! in-state, homeschooler, SAT 1420, AP courses, dual enrollment, center for gifted and talented, strong focus on his major all high school long: competitions, electives.

AWESOME STATS! Iā€™m thinking we should have submitted our SATS, but he only took it once and just this last Dec. But he will be core complete with a 4.0 & honors, I never thought it would be this hard!

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I thought honors (regardless of when you applied) go out until March?

My kid received 2 honors acceptances in an earlier cycle before Christmas. I know this year people have posted about receiving various honors acceptances. Itā€™s rolling, but at the end (I think March like you say, maybe Feb?) are the final acceptances. There are still acceptances going out and yet to come! Hold tight.


Was yesterday a major wave or a small wave like in the past? DS hasnā€™t heard back for CNS (Neuroscience) and he was anxious last night not that we have control over the outcome.

Maybe? On MyStatus it says I met the priority deadline so I assumed I would at least hear back by Feb 1

Iā€™m hoping it was a small wave. My daughter is stressed because a classmate with lower stats than hers got in last night and she didnā€™t so sheā€™s feeling very doom and gloom right now :neutral_face:


Completely understand. DS is in similar boat. I asked him to relax and not worry - he has done his best and we have to accept the outcome whichever way it goes. I gave him a pep talk but am anxious as a parent for him to be ok with the outcome too. Itā€™s not easy when students get results at different points of time


Congratulations on your kidā€™s acceptances. Can you please let me know what Honors were communicated and some key stats.

Can I PM you?

Appreciate it. Thanks


Havenā€™t heard yet

Iā€™m still waiting on engineering honors but my twin got lib arts honors in December

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any non autos for RTF still waiting? if so, what are your stats/film experience? thanks.