UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Should have done homeschooling.


Anyone hear yet from OOS? Do we think it will be Friday?

I am OOS and still waiting. 3.83 UW, 31. For film experience, I took a UT RTF summer camp class in 2020, did a 16 week class through Milwaukee Film (I’m in WI), directed 7 shorts, and have had shorts screened at four festivals, among other things. I’m really hoping it’s enough for UT!


that’s crazy good! i bet you will. still waiting here. kinda decided i wanted to major in RTF kinda late so i didn’t submit a film but i had a 4.2 and pretty good EC’s. praying and hoping. best fo luck to you!!

I like your sense of humor, :joy:. Your previous comment too, we need a little humor to get through this!

Thank you so much! Sending all my best vibes haha it’s such a tough wait

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We did not hear yet, OOS

I’m still waiting on both, too.
Good luck!

Thanks again for your words!!! My son get in tomorrow!

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Yay!!! I’m so glad to hear this! I was rooting for him, and I was hoping you would let us know. Good job to you both. He is going to have an amazing experience!!!


Yes, on the outside I’m cool as a cucumber and I’m telling her it just takes time and her time will come, but on the inside, I’m panicking :crazy_face:


nothing yet

Interview with BHP and then no from McCombs. This is crazy.
You should appeal.

Do you think they wil send out acceptances tonight

I would bet they happen every night this week.

Counselors at schools were told it was going to be Friday. My guess is they will do admissions without emails every day and one big email batch on Friday.

But that guess is based on absolutely no facts or inside knowledge of any kind :wink:


I just spoke with the admissions office regarding my daughters fall rank because she is now in the top 6%. They said she could hear back today, tomorrow anytime between now and 2/1.


Curious if that movement to top 6% gives her AA status or if its only junior year rank?

No it doesn’t unfortunately for her. The lady I spoke with said wait to hear if she gets accepted or not. If she does not get accepted then do an appeals with the new transcript.


He will appeal but to be quite honest how can he make his application anymore better then it already is?. He also heard that another two genius students at an extremely competitive school in the district in top 1% also didn’t get their 1st/2nd choice major. Also were placed also undeclared in COLA! Teachers are saying yield protection.

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Me right now seeing non autos get in while I’m 2% in my class of 750 :slight_smile: They deserve it but I am still discouraged