UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Omg my heart

Keep in mind that some AA were admitted finally on Feb 1 last year after everyone OOS and non auto got acceptances a few days earlier. Donā€™t lose hope. There is absolutely no logical flow to when decisions are processed.


That is true. Thanks for always debunking my worries on here LOL. Things will work out


Best wishes for you!!!

Is your major decided? Or you will decide later on?

Can you share the stats?

So are we expecting all RD to be released by Feb 1 like last year?



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My son is also a homeschooled COLA-history waiting to hear. :slight_smile:

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My son saw on the portal that he got into his first choice, Chemical Engineering.

No decision on honors yet. I hear they roll out over February.

He has a 1470 SAT, 4.0+ GPA, lots of community college credits (dual credit), one UT On-Ramps class (dual credit), 7 HS math credits and 7 HS science credits, lots of extracurricular and community work in musical theater and theater.


I am a Chemical Engineer. Good choice!

Edit- I must have failed miserably as a parent since all my kids went to CS.

Did you get my PM?

Any Human Dimension of Organization majors hear back?

Heā€™s so excited to be in that field. I am in CS and welcome your children into the field to help us solve the tech problems that pop up so fast, we canā€™t keep up with them.

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It is a great field! There is so much you can do with a ChE degree. Congratulations on the acceptance!

Yes and I responded as well. Thanks a lot

My husband and I are both engineers and none of our three kids went into engineering!

Similar to how my husbandā€™s parents were both MDs and none of the five kids went into any health care field.


Thatā€™s so weird. Neither of my PMs are showing in my history, and I donā€™t have any response from you. Thereā€™s literally nothing on my end. I sent a PM to someone else earlier today and thatā€™s there, but not yours.

He just got this today?

Perhaps our kids get a 24-7 glimpse of our professions and decide to pursue something different. The sample size is bigger I suppose.

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