UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Just received an email to check status

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For those asking if you have to continually check the portal after 5pm CST, my memory from a couple weeks ago is that my S got an email two hours later to check his portal. As did a lot of other people that night (and at least several tonight). If the email is set on a 2 hour timer it implies acceptances go out at around 5pm pretty much all at once.

Thanks that’s my sense too but I wanted to confirm others opinions.

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can you post your stats. OOS CS waiting

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I’m OOS too, still waiting on McCombs

We received the email just now - saw it on portal an hour back.

Curious if any in state auto CS admits have received notice on Turing, CSB, Deans, etc? We still show as being reviewed.

Maybe an 8pm EST release? Or would it be another day?

To the experts here, how does UT Austin Engineering compare with Purdue Engineering? Per US News ranking they are both ranked as #10. Any insights would be appreciated- thanks!

I am familiar with both and work with alumni of both. UT advantage is it admits direct to major. Purdue has general engineering the first year.

EDIT- it means that you have to be admitted to your major at Purdue and be competitive for it your freshman year. TAMU does the same thing for all engineering majors plus CS!


My OOS daughter got into Moody for SLHS tonight. New York. Wishing all who are still waiting all the best!


Indeed, UT is direct admit. Any insights into course rigor, student help, internship/job prospects, dorm situations? We have heard Purdue housing is a bit sketchy. We are OOS for both. Our DS has offer from both. Thanks!


do any of you know how competitive the moody school of communications is?

It seems that it’s the 5pm wave and that’s it
but I could be wrong

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Daughter just go an email. so it appears to be 2 hours after decision was posted on portal.

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My sample size is probably 10+ years old but we have a lot of debates about this. Course rigor is higher at Purdue but not in a positive way. Have heard it is a bit more competitive among students, and sometimes non collaborative. I suppose the first year gen engineering and competing for major doesn’t help that. UT rigor is just right based on feedback from grads that are in my workplace at least for Chem E and Mech E. I can’t speak to the dorm situation. In terms of hiring, I did recruit for my company in the past. A very large well known company. We found talent retention to be better among UT engineers since they are somewhat local. We therefore favored them slightly. Both result in quality talent and are recruited equally at least in my company.


Thank you so much - very valuable insight

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You’re welcome and best of luck on the decision. You are lucky to have this problem!

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Thank you so much for this info! TREL looks awesome - my son would love getting involved his first year. Does your son live on campus? We are trying to figure out which might be the best residence hall.
Happy for any other suggestions you have!

Are all OOS acceptances sent tonight?