UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

My daughter is class of 2026 Natural Sciences (Biology). I requested to join the parent Facebook group a couple days ago. Do you know how long it normally takes to get accepted? Thanks!

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Getting nervous for my OOS son! He was waitlisted today for UNC. Iā€™m not surprised only because it was his first application and I feel his essays werenā€™t his best. They were much stronger for UT! Seeing some OOS come out for OOS cs today makes me a little concerned! 1540 SAT, 4.0 UW, 9 APs all 5s, great recommendations, leadership, and a 3 sport athlete all four years!

He really wants to be a Longhorn!

Congrats to all who have been accepted so far!!! May tomorrow bring the rest of you many blessings!


OOS/accepted /1450 SAT/RTF/4.72 thrilled!


Has anyone else not heard back OOS? Does this mean itā€™s probably bad news?

I didnt hear backā€¦

Havenā€™t heard any OOS rejections yet. So looks like a wave of acceptances. No way to tell I guess if all acceptances are already sent out

Nothing yet. CS major

hope it doesnt mean all rejections tomorrow for OOS CS


I didnā€™t!

OOS Accepted today at like 5PM (Economics)
1480 SAT
Very strong ECs and Essays


was also waitlisted at UNC CH today

Congrats on the UT acceptance! And hearing you say you were waitlisted at UNC gives me some hope for tomorrow!

Sorry, Iā€™m a little anxious. I am OOS and applied for business (not honors) and havenā€™t heard anything yet. I was also waitlisted from UNCā€™s enrollment assurance business program today. Anyone have any idea about OOS McCombs decisions? Is there a certain date it will come by otherwise you are rejected?

Sorry, I know times are stressful. But as OOS, can someone tell me briefly how auto admit works.

My understanding:

  1. top 6% percent are guaranteed a spot
  2. this does not include private schools
  3. you are not guaranteed a major
  4. so you get a spot, but if you do not get a major you like you are pissed

Is that right? Any guess on what the yield is for the top 6%? How many kids is that and what percentage actually go to UT on average? And how does that number compare to freshmen spots in the class?

Sorry, just curious.

DS22 got admitted for Applied Math, College of Natural Sciences. Congrats for all the ones who got it and best wishes for the rest. SAT-1580/12 AP/ 4.45W/3.85 UW.


in state?

Yes, top 6% of students from Texas high schools are guaranteed admission to UT, but not to their major of choice. Many of the majors (especially business, engineering, and comp sci) are highly competitive and difficult to get in or change into later. Iā€™m not sure how many of those attend, but Iā€™m sure UT knows. Texas law also states that 90% of students at public universities must be Texas residents. Last year the acceptance rate for in-state students who were not auto admits was around 10%.

And private schools are not included?

Oh, I do remember now that the top 6% accounts for about 75% of the freshman class.

Students from private high schools are included if they rank, but not all private schools do, particularly if they have a very small class.

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