UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

My daughter is still waiting for in-state architecture acceptance still. She’s heard back from almost everyone else. Just waiting on Georgia Tech and UT.

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OK thank you.

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BEST OF LUCK…these kiddos who’ve applied to these great schools are ALL EXCEPTIONAL. I am certain we will see more acceptances today. My son is also waiting; I have seen nothing for his first or second choice major, yet.


Ah yes, DS is also waiting on GA Tech. Good Luck to all!

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Like everyone, I’m assuming there will be a big wave of acceptances today…but probably not until 5pm CST. So don’t drive yourself crazy hitting “refresh,” because afaik they never release decisions before 5pm CST.


Notre Dame

That’s pretty much it. My kid is number one in his class in Texas (class almost 600 students). He was auto admit. However, he did not get into natural sciences nor business which were his first two choices. His stats are very high, lots of awards, extracurriculars. Yes, he is pissed, especially when he sees that other people whose numbers don’t even come close to his did get into natural Sciences and business. He’s not exactly too keen on UT at the moment.

My son lived in Jester his freshman year and enjoyed it. It certainly isn’t the nicest but the location was what he loved most about it… Close to food, the gym, the stadium, and it really felt like a hub for freshman. He had a suite style room (2 rooms sharing a bathroom) and I’m not sure that setup was the greatest. He had friends on floors with a community restroom and I think that was preferred (because 4 boys sharing 1 bathroom is as bad as it sounds:)


I can relate to his frustration as my son (and us) went through something similar - he was rejected in many places even though we could see people with less stats getting in. We were all frustrated and angry. He got into UIUC for Aerospace Eng. and is a junior there now. He is very happy there, been on the Dean’s list all semestars, and has had 4 internship offers for this summer already. Assuming that you have applied for various schools ranging from ‘No Problem’ to “Reach”. We just need to be patient and it will all fall into place.


Its tough - UT’s rolling decisions with no clear strategy that we’re able to relate to are creating anxiety among kids and actually their approach is turning kids away from the college. Hang in there - sending positive vibes your way


I don’t understand UT at all. I’m not the valedictorian, but I am in the top 5%, have a 1570 SAT, and good ECs, but haven’t heard about my major yet. UT’s process is killing me


Your application for admission is in review.


Did your son apply Rice? Rice also has good natural science program.

Very sorry for your son’s situation, every year UT does this to quite a number of valedictorians.

For students so top, it mainly comes down to the essays and the essays focus for top students are very different from regular high stat students. The goal is convincing admissions that UT/major is your utlimate destination so UT won’t think they are being treated as backup school.

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Big wave should be today , probably starting 5 pm (central).


Has anyone heard from Moody? Or will that come out today?

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Any insight on whether prospective wave tonight will include decisions for Plan II and other honors programs? Or are these typically deferred to March 1?

I think you will hear about Honors separately.

If my daughter applied December 1, do you know when she should expect to hear? Is it rolling?

Haven’t heard OOS from moody. Hoping for today.

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You will receive decision by March 1.